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Category Product Strategy

See all the Smashing articles in our Product Strategy category.

30 articles

Jon Lay and Zsolt Kocsmarszky

A Lean Approach To Product Validation

Robert Hoekman Jr

How To Take Charge Of A UX Kickoff Meeting

Lauren Ventura

Improving Reviews And Testimonials Using Science-Based Design

Dave Schools

Design Principles To Evaluate Your Product

Yury Vetrov

Product Design Unification Case Study, Part 2: "Burger-Driven" Framework

Victor Yocco

Think Fast! Using Heuristics To Increase Use Of Your Product

Melanie Haselmayr

How To Create Effective App Screenshots For Your App Store Page

Yury Vetrov

Product Design Unification Case Study: Mobile Web Framework

Victor Yocco

Five Characteristics Of An Innovation