Do you like challenges? Are you willing to take on a task that you’ve never come across before, and do it under a deadline? What if, in carrying out the task, you encounter a problem that appears unsolvable? I want to share my experience of using CSS 3D effects for the first time in a real project and to inspire you to take on challenges.
It was an ordinary day when Eugene, a manager at... Read More
Whether you’ve just discovered BEM or are an old hand (in web terms anyway!), you probably appreciate what a useful methodology it is. If you don’t know what BEM is, I suggest you read about it on the BEM website before continuing with this post, because I’ll be using terms that assume a basic understanding of this CSS methodology.
This article aims to be useful for people who are already... Read More
I’m sure you’ve heard the proverb, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link,” probably many times. Its written origin dates back to the 18th century, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was much, much older. And though the work we do has little to do with actual chains, this proverb is every bit as relevant to us.
Remember when Azer Koçulu unpublished more than 250 of his modules from... Read More
The World Wide Web Consortium uses a particular syntax to define the possible values that can be used for all CSS properties. You may have seen this syntax in action if you have ever looked at a CSS specification.
Let's take a look: <'border-image-slice'> = [<number> | <percentage>]{1,4} && fill? This syntax can be hard to understand if you don’t know the... Read More
As browsers constantly improve their graphical rendering abilities, the ability to truly design within them is becoming more of a reality. A few lines of code can now have quick and dramatic visual impact, and allow for consistency without a lot of effort. And as with most things in web development, there are often many ways to achieve the same effect.
In this post, we'll take a look at... Read More
Embracing fluid typography might be easier than you think. It has wide browser support, is simple to implement and can be achieved without losing control over many important aspects of design.
Unlike responsive typography, which changes only at set breakpoints, fluid typography resizes smoothly to match any device width. It is an intuitive option for a web in which we have a practically... Read More
Hola a todos! (Hello, everyone!) In my early days of web design, I had to learn things the hard way: trial and error. There was no Smashing Magazine, Can I Use, CodePen or any of the other amazing tools at our disposal today. Having someone show me the ropes of web design, especially on the CSS front, would have been incredibly helpful.
Now that I am far more experienced, I want to share... Read More
JavaScript is a wonderful language. It’s rich, it’s dynamic, and it’s so tightly coupled to the web nowadays. The concept of writing everything in JavaScript doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. First, we started writing our back end in JavaScript, and then Facebook introduced JSX, in which we mix HTML markup with JavaScript. Why not do the same for CSS?
Imagine a web componentdistributed as a... Read More
Have you ever wanted to use a particular CSS feature but didn’t because it wasn’t fully supported in all browsers? Or, worse, it was supported in all browsers, but the support was buggy, inconsistent or even completely incompatible? If this has happened to you — and I’m betting it has — then you should care about Houdini.
Houdini is a new W3C task force whose ultimate goal is to make this... Read More