Krasimir Tsonev Krasimir Tsonev is a coder with over ten years of experience in web development. Author of two books about Node.js. He works as a senior front-end developer for a startup that helps people reaching clinical trials. Krasimir is interested in delivering cutting edge applications. He enjoys working in the industry and has a passion for creating and discovering new and effective digital experiences.
JavaScript is a wonderful language. It’s rich, it’s dynamic, and it’s so tightly coupled to the web nowadays. The concept of writing everything in JavaScript doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. First, we started writing our back end in JavaScript, and then Facebook introduced JSX, in which we mix HTML markup with JavaScript. Why not do the same for CSS?
Imagine a web componentdistributed as a... Read More
The web is growing up. We are building applications that work entirely in the browser. They are responsive; they have tons of features and work under many devices. We enjoy providing high-quality code that is well structured and tested.
But what matters in the end is the impact for clients. Are they getting more products sold or are there more visitors for their campaign sites? The final... Read More