Update (19.05.2016): The bug was just fixed by Antti Koivisto and has landed in the current update of iOS (9.3.2) and Safari for OS X 9.1.1 (11601.6.17). When a user visits a site using a SVG sprite in a browser with an empty cache, the sprite is cached and will not be loaded multiple times any longer. You'll find more details here (in German), and Sven Wolfermann's results before and after... Read More
Ah, the ubiquitous CSS sprites — one of the few web design techniques that was able to bypass "trend" status almost instantly, planting itself firmly into the category of best practice CSS. Although it didn't really take off until well after A List Apart explained and endorsed it, it was discussed as a CSS solution as early as July, 2003 by Petr Stanícek.
Most web developers today have... Read More