Louis Lazaris Louis Lazaris is a freelance web developer and author based in Toronto, Canada. He blogs about front-end code on Impressive Webs and curates Web Tools Weekly, a weekly newsletter for front-end developers.
During the past four or five years of blogging regularly and doing research for other writing projects, I’ve come across probably thousands of articles on JavaScript.
I think those articles are great, and I hope we see more of them. But sometimes the simplest JavaScript features are sitting right under our noses and we just haven’t had a lot of exposure to them. I’m talking about... Read More
Right up front, I’ll offer some simple advice: In production, your code should be as performance-friendly as possible. This means, Gzip’ing, concatenating and minifying as many assets as possible, thus serving the smallest possible files and the least number of files.
I don’t think anyone would argue that these suggestions aren’t best practices (even if we don’t implement them in every... Read More
Shopping. Social networking. Emailing. Reading. Finding directions. Banking. Researching. Those are some of the most common tasks people perform on the World Wide Web. You've probably done all of these things yourself at some point. So if you're like many people, you probably do these things every single week (and many of them even every day).
This blog you're reading now, Smashing... Read More