Although Windows Phone usage is still low compared with other browsers it's sometimes necessary to test your web work for Internet Explorer Mobile. For web developers, this could be a complication. Testing for the Windows Phone environment is not always optional, but it can be a chore — especially because the version of Internet Explorer that comes with the Windows Phone can be quirky at best.... Read More
There is a prevalent belief amongst developers that design is a skill that can't be learned — you either have it or you don't. While much of this can be attributed to the perception that heightened creativity is required to produce good design, the truth is anyone can create attractive applications and good user experience by following common design patterns and applying guidelines for the... Read More
Microsoft’s new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7 (WP7), introduces a fresh approach to content organization and a different UX, based on the Metro design language and principles that will be incorporated into Windows 8. It also targets a different market than its predecessor: instead of being designed mainly for business and technology workers, WP7 is targeted at active people with a... Read More