As UI designers, we’re always interested in learning, reading user research, understanding best practices and keeping up to date on all the latest approaches and tactics for building websites and applications.
One of the most exciting concepts we’ve started to apply to our thinking is the mobile-first approach, famously pioneered by designer Luke Wroblewski on his blog and then in his... Read More
There are many ways to skin a redesign (I think that’s how the saying goes). On a philosophical level, I agree with those who advocate for realigning, not redesigning, but these are mere words when you’re staring a design problem in the face with no idea where to start. This article came out of my own questions about how to make the realignment philosophy practical and apply it to my... Read More
TechCrunch, the group-edited blog about technology start-ups, launched their redesign today. It's quite different from the previous design and it's already drawing a lot of criticism and hate. They redesigned everything, including the logo which is causing quite a stir right now. Read More
It's 3:49 AM as I am writing this post. I just recently came up with a new format that I would like to start here on Design Informer and it is called "Weekly Wrap." Every weekend, I will be writing a post about the best and most interesting articles/tutorials/reviews/freebies of the week. But the only difference from this and the other similar posts from the other blogs is that mine will not... Read More
Redesigning a website is a big job (needless to say) and should be handled with care. Many of us with a portfolio, blog or other website have probably thought about a redesign or at least know we need one. For many designers, though, that redesign never comes. As big and important as it is, the job can turn into a hugely daunting task that we put straight on the backburner of our to-do list.
... Read More
Craigslist is obviously one of the most popular websites in the world, and each month it serves millions of users who post and view classified ads on the website. At the time this article was written, Craigslist was ranked as the 28th most-visited English-language website in the world by Alexa. Despite the fact that Craigslist receives such a huge amount of traffic each month, it is also... Read More
The US government is a brand, one often overlooked in favor of the obvious companies and celebrities. The United States of America is arguably a brand in dire need of refreshing. While this is certainly a larger task than simply restyling a logo or adding a smattering of Web 2.0 cliches to its Web and print material, a significant step has been taken in the full overhaul of the White House... Read More