We've been releasing many icon sets and WordPress themes on Smashing Magazine, yet today we are glad to announce the release of a bit different freebie. This post features a VI Help Sheet, a cheat sheet for the VI Editor, for all web-developers out there who are working on Linux. The help sheet was designed by GoSquared and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers.
The cheat sheet... Read More
We continue to review text and source editors for designers and web-developers. After a thorough consideration of WYSIWIG- and source code editors now it's time to take a closer look at applications for advanced CSS-coding. Reason: while numerous HTML-editors offer more or less advanced CSS-support there are also allround-CSS-editors which offer a sophisticated integrated development... Read More
To edit HTML- and CSS-code you only need a simple plaintext-editor — the rest depends on your skills and your creativity. However, to make your life a little bit easier, you can use some more comfortable source-code editors with advanced editing features. These features can effectively support you during coding, debugging and testing. Powerful modern editors provide developers with syntax... Read More
With the growing popularity of CMS, Wikis and Weblogs, WYSIWIG-editors lose their users. However, many of those editors offer many advantages, such as Integration of SVN, FTP Clients, Developer's extensions and programming environments. Using them, you can save your time and increase your efficiency. Not every code has to be written in Notepad, not every problem has to be solved manually.... Read More