Following the market's demand for minimalistic and consistent UIs, and the growth in modular web development, we tend to pay more and more attention to documentation and the efficiency of designer–engineer workflow with each project we undertake. Also, since the documentation process is often the weakest spot for modern web teams, we're constantly looking for the right tools to help us.
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Suppose your company decides to change its code-hosting provider or you wish to move your own Git repository to a different host. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens. When I had to move a number of Git projects to a new host, it took me quite some time to find an accurate method.
Having made many attempts, and a couple of fails, and carefully reading Git’s documentation, I found a... Read More
In the Web industry, a lot of exciting knowledge and diverse opinions are shared daily. They are delivered in fragments across hundreds of blogs, feeds, Twitter accounts and apps. In addition, the number of topics seems to multiply daily. We are building and designing for moving targets. Technology is constantly forking and disrupting the way we interact and do business. This is our industry,... Read More