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Yoav Weiss

Author Yoav Weiss

3 articles

Yoav Weiss Yoav Weiss does not get discouraged easily and is not afraid of code. He is a Web performance and browser internals specialist, especially interested in the intersection between Responsive Web Design and Web performance.

He has implemented the various responsive images features in Blink and WebKit as part of the Responsive Images Community Group, and is currently working at Akamai, focused on making the Web platform faster. You can follow his rants on Twitter or have a peek at his latest prototypes on Github.

When he’s not writing code, he’s probably slapping his bass, mowing the lawn in the French countryside or playing board games with the kids.

Yoav Weiss

Preload: What Is It Good For?

Yoav Weiss

Responsive Image Container: A Way Forward For Responsive Images?

Yoav Weiss

Bandwidth Media Queries? We Don't Need ’Em!