Tim Evko Tim Evko is a Front-End Engineer working on responsive e-commerce for BaubleBar in Manhattan, NY. An experienced WordPress theme developer and plugin author, Tim helps lead and manage the team responsible for developing the RICG-responsive-images WordPress plugin. Tim has had the pleasure of writing for CSS-Tricks, Scotch.io, Web Design Weekly, and SitePoint, where he focuses on responsive web development, performance, and general industry related issues.
While the growing adoption of responsive images cannot be ignored, it can be very difficult to employ the functionality under the constraints of a large CMS like WordPress. Although it is entirely possible to write the feature into your theme on your own, doing so is a challenging and time-consuming endeavour.
Thankfully, with the launch of WordPress 4.4, theme developers and maintainers... Read More
I recently teamed up with Mat Marquis of the Responsive Images Community Group to help integrate responsive images into the WordPress platform. We decided to refactor a plugin that I had built several months ago, hoping that it would lead to a more useable and performant solution.
After months of pull requests, conversations on Slack and help from WordPress’ core team, we’re finally... Read More