Soh Tanaka Soh Tanaka, based in Los Angeles, CA, is a passionate front-end developer and designer who recently launched a CSS Gallery called Design Bombs. He specializes in CSS driven web design with an emphasis on usability and search engine optimization. For more front-end Web development tutorials, check out his Web design blog.
Recently we’ve been receiving more requests for carefully selected, useful round-ups. We try to avoid round-ups on Smashing Magazine, but sometimes the format is useful and — if the resources are relevant — can be extremely helpful. Besides, we are glad to drive traffic to some obscure, yet useful resources and thus support the developers of these resources.
In this round-up,... Read More
This post is the the next installment of posts featuring "Useful Coding Solutions for Designers and Developers", a series of posts focusing on unique and creative CSS/JavaScript-techniques being implemented by talented professionals in our industry. A key talent that any Web designer must acquire is the ability to observe, understand and build on other people's designs. This is a great way to... Read More
CSS has become the standard for building websites in today's industry. Whether you are a hardcore developer or designer, you should be familiar with it. CSS is the bridge between programming and design, and any Web professional must have some general knowledge of it. If you are getting your feet wet with CSS, this is the perfect time to fire up your favorite text editor and follow along in... Read More