Sara Wachter-BoettcherSara Wachter-Boettcher runs a content strategy consultancy based in Philadelphia. She is the editor in chief of A List Apart magazine and the author of Content Everywhere, a book about creating flexible, mobile-ready content. She also offers in-house workshops to clients like Trek Bicycles, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Harvard, and speaks at web conferences worldwide. Find her on Twitter @sara_ann_marie or at
“Content matters!” “Comp with real copy!” “Have a plan!” By now, you’ve probably heard the refrain: making mobile work is hard if you don’t consider your content. But content knowledge isn’t just about ditching lorem ipsum in a couple of comps.
Countless organizations now have a decade or two’s worth of Web content — content that’s shoved somewhere underneath their redesigned-nine-times... Read More