Sabina Idler Sabina is passionate about designing and improving interactive media for all ages. With her own company, UXkids, Sabina leverages her academic research expertise, know how in child development, and strategic vision to help companies build successful digital products for kids.
The Web is technical by nature. Different scripts and pieces of code are linked together through hyperlinks, forming an endless net of interwoven, encrypted information — data that is accessible only through technical interfaces, such as Web browsers, or applications.
Yet, Web professionals have made it their calling to tame the “wild” Web and turn it into an accessible, user-friendly... Read More
The way you present your product or service is essential to its success — or at least it could be if you know how to do it right. The first impression you make on people is crucial. When selling a product, you want that first impression to be as positive and remarkable as possible. If you have managed to draw them in, you will need to introduce the product within a few seconds.
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Emotional design has become a powerful tool in creating exceptional user experiences for websites. However, emotions did not use to play such an important role on the Web. Actually, they did not use to play any role at all; rather, they were drowned by a flood of rational functionality and efficiency.
We were so busy trying to adapt to the World Wide Web as a new medium that we lost... Read More