Martin Kool Martin Kool is a creative shotgun with sawed-off barrel and partner at Q42. When he’s wearing his 13th bulletproof Game Designer suit he comes up with things such as Carrrds, Quento, Numolition or Flippy Bit And The Attack Of The Hexadecimals Of Base 16. He can also be held responsible for the retro adventure game portal and co-founding HTML prototyping service Handcraft. He lives in the Netherlands with his wife and four kids and has been spotted eating pindarotsjes.
When our HTML5 game Numolition was nearly done, we decided to throw it all away and rebuild it in Unity. That turned out to be an exciting and valuable experience, and one that I thought would be worth sharing with other Web developers. Come in, the water’s warm!
Last year, we released a mobile game named Quento. It was written entirely in HTML5, wrapped in our proprietary PhoneGap... Read More
If you’re a developer of mobile Web apps, then you’ve heard this before: Native apps perform better than Web apps. But what does “perform better” mean? In the context above, performance is usually about measurable aspects such as loading time and responsiveness to user interaction. But more often than not, statements about performance lie within the realm of animations and transitions and how... Read More