Marcin Wichary Marcin is a design lead and a typographer at Medium. Previously, he was a fellow at Code for America and a user experience designer at Google, working with the Chrome, search, and homepage doodle teams. After hours, Marcin likes to photograph cities, research old technology, and force his friends to watch “Sneakers” over and over again.
For perhaps the first time since the original Macintosh, we can get excited about using system UI fonts. They’re an interesting, fresh alternative to web typography — and one that doesn’t require a web-font delivery service or font files stored on your server. How do we use system UI fonts on a website, and what are the caveats?
System UI fonts being amazing kind of snuck up on us. Google... Read More
There’s more to spaces than the key you instinctively hit with one of your thumbs between words. Let’s find out what other space characters there are, what their heritage is, and how they can be useful today.
What you see below are two tweets. In one of them, Paul Irish will be notified of my taunt. In the other one, he’ll be completely oblivious. What’s the difference between the two?... Read More