Kyle Peatt Kyle Peatt (@kpeatt) is a designer and front-end developer. He strongly believes that designers should also be makers. Kyle leads a team of like-minded individuals at Mobify. He has been working in the web for 10 years and in mobile since the launch of the iPhone. Kyle writes, speaks, and argues about designing and developing for an increasingly multi-device medium. He holds a degree in Sociology from the University of British Columbia but can more often be found holding a pair of strings that lead to a kite.
Does this title make you skeptical? I would have been too before I saw the research that led to this article. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that carousels are an anti-pattern. Don’t use them. But maybe it’s not so cut and dry.
Using real data, this article aims for a better understanding of the current argument against carousels and whether they really deserve the reputation they’ve... Read More
The off-canvas flyout menu has taken over as the primary navigation pattern for mobile layouts — even some desktop layouts have jumped on board. And for good reason: An off-canvas menu is a great way to maintain context while giving the user a lot of additional information.
In this article, we’ll talk about why off-canvas has become so successful as a navigation pattern and show its... Read More