Keir WhitakerKeir Whitaker works at Shopify & co-hosts The Back to Front Show podcast. He regulary writes about, and shares links on, ecommerce, the web industry & podcasting.
In March 2014, the Baymard Institute, a web research company based in the UK, reported that 67.91% of online shopping carts are abandoned. An abandonment means that a customer has visited a website, browsed around, added one or more products to their cart and then left without completing their purchase. A month later in April 2014, Econsultancy stated that global retailers are losing $3... Read More
Like many developers I have a standard set of files that I simply copy into every new project I start. These include base HTML templates, useful PHP functions, Sass mixins and a number of JavaScript files that I can't live without. With the advent of great libraries like Modernizr and polyfills such as the indepensable html5shim we are becoming more reliant on these resources to help us create... Read More
Welcome to the first entry in a new series on Smashing Coding called Sidenotes. Sidenotes are shorter than traditional Smashing Magazine articles and are designed to give you a quick introduction to useful tools and services. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at productivity aids, useful apps, essential plugins and code examples that we think will help you in your daily coding work. If... Read More