Justin Mifsud Justin is a user interface designer and user experience consultant by day and blogger by night. He writes in and administers his own usability and user experience blog, Usability Geek where he evangelize about the importance of making the web a usable place and, more importantly, how to do it. Ah, yes, he likes to Tweet Twitter”) too!
When users land on your website, they typically read the content available. Then, the next thing that they will do is to try and familiarize themselves with your website. Most of the time this involves looking for navigation.
In this article, I'll be analyzing the navigation elements of a particular category of websites, i.e. portfolios. Why portfolios, you ask? Because they represent... Read More
Contrary to what you may read, peppering your form with nice buttons, color and typography and plenty of jQuery plugins will not make it usable. Indeed, in doing so, you would be addressing (in an unstructured way) only one third of what constitutes form usability.
In this article, we’ll provide practical guidelines that you can easily follow. These guidelines have been crafted from... Read More