In the early days of mobile, debugging was quite a challenge. Sure, you could get ahold of a device and perform a quick visual assessment, but what would you do after discovering a bug?
With a distinct lack of debugging tools, developers turned to a variety of hacks. In general, these hacks were an attempt to recreate a given issue in a desktop browser and then debug with Chrome Developer... Read More
With the wide variety of CSS3 and JavaScript techniques available today, it's easier than ever to create unique interactive websites that delight visitors and provide a more engaging user experience. In this article, we'll walk through five interactive techniques that you can start using right now. We'll cover animated text effects, animated images without GIFs, mega drop-down menus, fancy... Read More
Over the past few years, mobile web usage has considerably increased to the point that web developers and designers can no longer afford to ignore it. In wealthy countries, the shift is being fueled by faster mobile broadband connections and cheaper data service. However, a large increase has also been seen in developing nations where people have skipped over buying PCs and gone straight to... Read More