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Jeff Gothelf

Author Jeff Gothelf

7 articles

Jeff Gothelf Jeff Gothelf is Neo’s lean evangelist, spreading the gospel of great team collaboration, product innovation and evidence-based decision making.

Jeff is a speaker and thought leader on the future of user experience design, often teaching workshops or giving talks on building cultures that support teamwork and innovation. Jeff is passionate about advancing the principles that lie at the core of Neo, and often does so on a global scale.

Prior to joining Neo, Jeff lead the UX design teams at TheLadders and Web Trends. Earlier he worked with and lead small teams of software designers at AOL. He is the co-author (with Josh Seiden) of “Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience.”

Jeff Gothelf

Clear Indications That It's Time To Redesign

Jeff Gothelf

How To Build An Agile UX Team: Integration

Jeff Gothelf

How To Build An Agile UX Team: Hiring