Jan Varwig Jan Varwig is a programming language enthusiast, currently writing his CS diploma thesis about server-side JavaScript, and a software developer with 10 years of experience working for 9elements and as an independent freelancer. His blog and CV can be found at jan.varwig.org.
Last week we published Getting Started With Ruby On Rails, the first part of our Ruby On Rails introduction. We explained basic ideas behind Ruby and presented concepts and essential components of the language. In this article you'll learn more about Rails, you will learn how to get Ruby on Rails running on your computer, and get an overview of the basic functionality of Rails and demonstrate... Read More
If you're a Web developer who's been curious about Ruby on Rails but has never gotten around to trying it out because you couldn't find a suitable overview of its advantages, then this article is for you. We want to bring Ruby on Rails closer to those who want to take a peek first, without going through an entire tutorial. So, this article is structured a little different from most other... Read More