Iris Lješnjanin Juggling between at least three languages on a daily basis, Iris is known for her love for linguistics, arts, Web design and typography, as well as her goldmine of animated GIFs appropriate for every occasion. As senior editor at the one and only @SmashingMag, she spends most of her time tenderly sifting through articles in search of golden thoughts and ideas that will bring readers to think, wonder, enjoy and learn something new.
Customers and clients cannot physically touch the products that online designers create, nor can they smell, hear or taste them. One of the important factors in a customer’s decision of whether to use a product is usually the brand’s visual presence, which can help a product stand out from the rest of what the market has to offer. Upon taking a closer look, it doesn't take long to see that... Read More
The beauty of typography has no borders. While many of us work with the familiar Latin alphabet, international projects usually require quite extensive knowledge of less familiar writing systems from around the world.
The aesthetics and structure of such designs can be strongly related to the shape and legibility of the letterforms, so learning about international writing systems will... Read More