Harry Roberts Harry Roberts is a Senior UI Developer for Sky.com and type nerd from the UK. Enthusiastic, passionate and often outspoken, he is a writer, designer and member of Smashing Magazine’s Experts Panel. He tweets at @csswizardry.
I think a lot of us CSS authors are doing it wrong. We are selfish by nature; we get into our little bubbles, writing CSS (as amazing as it may be) with only ourselves in mind. How many times have you inherited a CSS file that’s made you say “WTF” at least a dozen times?
HTML has a standard format and syntax that everyone understands. For years, programmers have widely agreed on standards... Read More
The Web is 95% typography, or so they say. I think this is a pretty accurate statement: we visit websites largely with the intention of reading. That’s what you’re doing now — reading. With this in mind, does it not stand to reason that your typography should be one of the most considered aspects of your designs?
Unfortunately, for every person who is obsessed with even the... Read More