Greg Nudelman Greg is a UX strategist for Fortune 500 firms. His 4th book, The $1 Prototype and the new Lean Mobile UX blog can be found at
For many months, your entire team has worked their butts off to create an awesome mobile app. Finally, with your team exhausted and excited, it’s showtime! But then, your dream app turns into the ultimate nightmare: Eager customers download the app, use it once and never return. All the sacrifice and months of hard work — wasted. What went wrong?
Your app has become another victim of the... Read More
There are 3,997 different Android devices. Your navigation should work with all of them. C-Swipe can help: It is an alternative navigation pattern for tablets and mobile devices that is novel, ergonomic and localized.
This article provides a detailed walk-through of the design and code and provides a downloadable mini-app so that you can try out C-Swipe to see whether it’s right for... Read More
One of the best patterns for browsing a small collection of featured products is the carousel. Unfortunately, many mobile app implementations do not offer an engaging or satisfying carousel experience and are not effective at driving conversions.
In this article, we’ll use the analogy of a real-world amusement park carousel to explain what makes for an authentically mobile user... Read More