Frank Puscher The german journalist writes on webdesign and usability subjects since
1994. He worked in one of the first editorial portal teams at a
forgotten service called EuropeOnline and co-authored ProSieben online
which ist now one of the biggest media sites in Germany. Puscher wrote
the first German book on Usability, his current publication “Leitfaden
Web-Usability” is on sale these days.
If you've managed to sell a product to a customer, use this opporunity to present further attractive offers to the customer. The topic "behavioral targeting", a technique that uses information collected on an individual's web-browsing behavior, such as the pages they have visited or the searches they have made, to select which advertisements to display to that customers. Many advertisers... Read More
In eCommerce usability improvements usually have a huge impact on conversion rates. However, usability doesn't only mean better visual guide or better site hierarchy. It also means a better communication with potential customers using a professional, trustworthy design, delivering the right information at the right time and communicating with users instead of throwing ad-slogans at them.
... Read More
Sometimes small changes can have huge effects. Concerning conversion rates, which is the proportion of website visitors who submit their contact information or make a purchase, better Web design leads directly to greater revenue.
Most online store designers who want to optimize their conversion rates only concentrate on the “inner” part of the shopping process, the sales funnel. They... Read More