Dudley Storey Dudley Storey has been making web pages for almost has long as there has been a web to create them on. A writer, designer and teacher of web development and 3D, he is the recent author of Pro CSS3 Animation.
We’re all resigned to it: launching a browser reloads every tab you previously had open, blasting a cacophonous mix of sound and video. While browsers have made it easier to control this experience with tab icons and extensions like MuteTab, for most people this behavior presents a confusing and disorienting experience. As developers and designers it’s our job to make the web welcoming, not... Read More
Of the many factors that must be considered in Web design, emotional interaction is an important, but frequently neglected, component. In the real world, we experience the sensual interaction of design all the time.
Reflect for a moment on the emotional engagement of slipping behind the wheel of a powerful luxury car: the welcoming embrace of the driving seat, the tactile experience of... Read More
Print continues to be treated somewhat cursorily by most Web designers, who tend to be obsessed with pixels rather than printers. In the real world, a significant portion of people rely on pages printed from websites for reference: there’s still something about having a physical sheet of paper in one’s hands, even in this age of digital saturation.
Web developers can take several steps... Read More