Dmitriy Fabrikant Dmitriy Fabrikant is the developer half of the designer-developer partnership that founded Specctr. (UI designers use Specctr to quickly create design blueprints containing the essential type, color, and spacing information developers must have to turn design into beautiful product, all from inside their favorite design tools.)
Before stacking bits as a web developer, Dmitriy stacked bricks as a real estate developer. In real estate development no one would dare start construction without a blueprint. Working as a front-end developer Dmitriy saw it happen all the time, often to the project’s detriment. That’s why when talented designer Chen Blume approached him with the idea for Specctr, he knew they had to build it together.
The links for this article were saved and organized using Knovigator. A simple bookmarking tool Dmitriy built to organize the content he liked around the way he searched.
In the physical world, no one builds anything without detailed blueprints, because people’s lives are on the line. In the digital world, the stakes just aren’t as high. It’s called “software” for a reason: because when it hits you in the face, it doesn’t hurt as much. No one is going to die if your website goes live with the header’s left margin 4 pixels out of alignment with the image below... Read More
One of the most powerful features of Adobe Fireworks is that you can extend its functionality. Almost anything you can do through Fireworks’ interface — and even some things that you can’t — can also be achieved by writing a simple JavaScript extension.
Fireworks extensions are of two main types: commands and command panels. If you find yourself repeatedly performing a tedious task, you... Read More