Marcin Wichary’s fascination with the relationship between humans and machines began at an early age. As a boy in Poland, he was mesmerized by the interaction between arcade patrons and the video games they played. Years later, Marcin would help shape the way that millions of computer users interact with some of the world’s most popular websites. He would even recreate one of those arcade... Read More
The Web is a galaxy of information that is rapidly expanding. Blogs and online magazines are helping shape the future of this Information Age that we live in. Those of us who read, write and design blogs and online magazines possess extraordinary power and potential. How will we choose to use it?
If you use your website to publish news, events, opinions or interviews, you should... Read More
The Internet is a medium that is evolving at breakneck speed. It's a wild organism of sweeping cultural change — one that leaves the carcasses of dead media forms in its sizeable wake. It's transformative: it has transformed the vast globe into a 'global village' and it has drawn human communication away from print-based media and into a post-Gutenberg digital era. Right now, its perils are... Read More