Christopher Butler Christopher Butler is the Chief Operating Officer at Newfangled, a Web development firm specializing in agency partnerships. He has written articles on the the current and future state of the web for Print and HOW magazines,, and is the author of The Strategic Web Designer. You can follow him on Twitter @chrbutler.
Everyone is talking about content. Googling the phrase “content strategy” retrieves almost 50 million results — a clear indicator that interest in content is very much in the zeitgeist. By the time you read this, I expect that number will have grown even higher.
But I also suspect that the substance of the talk would be quite different if content were truly respected. I believe this... Read More
Imagine you are in a classroom. Let's say a high school classroom. You're sitting at your desk, listening to your favorite teacher—the one who inspired you, the one who got you excited about that thing you love for the first time.
You've stopped taking notes because your body just can't quite function normally when your mind is being blown. You don't feel the pen in your hand, or the... Read More
It appears to be a reader’s market. More written content is freely available than ever before, accessible in just about every format you could imagine. If you want it on paper, you’ve got it. On screen? What size, friend? We can shrink, stretch and stitch it all together every which way because, really, we’re just talking about words here… Or are we?
As soon as I ask that question,... Read More