Christian KrammerChristian Krammer is web designer at one of Austria’s biggest Newspaper called “Kleine Zeitung” where he worked for nearly ten years. He also is the proud owner of, a comprehensive website about CSS3. A large range of properties is explained there for you to learn and look up. Besides that he is the proud father of a 4 years old boy and a passionate gamer.
In a time when everyone seems to have a tablet, which makes it possible to consume everything digitally, and the only real paper we use is bathroom tissue, it might seem odd to write about the long-forgotten habit of printing a Web page. Nevertheless, as odd as it might seem to visionaries and tablet manufacturers, we’re still far from the reality of a paperless world.
In fact, tons of... Read More
Despite contemporary browsers supporting a wealth of CSS3 properties, most designers and developers seem to focus on the quite harmless properties such as border-radius, box-shadow or transform. These are well documented, well tested and frequently used, and so it’s almost impossible to not stumble on them these days if you are designing websites.
But hidden deep within the... Read More