Christian Heilmann Chris is a Developer Evangelist living in London, England, who writes about Javascript development, accessibility, and all things open web. After several years evangelizing at Mozilla Foundation, he’s now working at Microsoft’s EdgeDev team.
Editor's note: This is an introductory article about a book idea to be published by Smashing Magazine with Chris Heilmann. Check out what we propose as an idea — explaining a way to reconsider how we build websites to ensure they are leaner and more future-proof. At the end of the article, we'd ask you to fill out a quick survey to show your interest.
The Web as it is now is suffering... Read More
In this article I'd like to discuss the changes happening on the Web and argue that its future is not as problematic and endangered as a lot of people make it out to be. The article is based on the talk I've presented at the Smashing Conference a couple of days ago, and you can also see the slides and watch the screencast.
I have been developing websites professionally for the greater... Read More
Whenever people ask me about the most powerful things in JavaScript and the DOM, I quickly arrive at events. The reason is that events in browsers are incredibly useful. Furthermore, decoupling functionality from events is a powerful idea, which is why Node.js became such a hot topic.
Today, let’s get back to the basics of events and get you in the mood to start playing with them,... Read More