Cassie McDaniel Cassie McDaniel is the lead UX designer (or whatever) for the Mozilla Webmaker project. Say hi to @cassiemc on Twitter or check out for design and more words.
In digital culture, we are beginning to think of our output as products and of our clients as users. “Products” might be websites, apps or communities, and they might be created by startups, agencies or a couple of people at a hackathon.
This shift mainly means that we have gotten serious about asking how to better serve users, which reflects a significant change in the designer’s skill... Read More
The differences between designers and developers often erupt in pointed jabs on the Web or at conferences. Jokes or not, the jabs create friction whose consequences are real. I am a designer, and by no elaborate means of job-title-rejigging do I consider myself a developer, but I see the cruelty of designer and developer egos going both ways. So, what happens if someone throws a pair into a... Read More