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C. Knight, J. Glaser

Author C. Knight, J. Glaser

5 articles

C. Knight, J. Glaser Carolyn Knight and Jessica Glaser are academics from the University of Wolverhampton in the UK, graphic designers, and prolific design writers. Their numerous books focus on topics including the use of space in graphic design, mnemonics and memory devices and the understanding and creation of visual hierarchy. Their latest book is the best selling ‘Graphic Design Exercise Book’, published in English by RotoVision and in Spanish by Editorial Gustavo Gili.

Their company Bright Pink Communication Design, works in such areas as healthcare, construction, education, financial services and the public sector.

C. Knight, J. Glaser

Creating Exciting And Unusual Visual Hierarchies

C. Knight, J. Glaser

The Creative Way To Maximize Design Ideas With Type

C. Knight, J. Glaser

Creating A Lasting Impression