Bryson Meunier Bryson Meunier is the Director of SEO Strategy at Resolution Media, an Omnicom Media Group Company. His position gives him the opportunity to lead SEO strategy and execution for some of the world’s top brands, and to share some of his learnings with the SEO community as a whole. He speaks regularly at search and mobile conferences including SMX, SES, SIS, Digiday Mobile, CTIA and others, and has been writing about mobile SEO since 2006 in publications like Search Engine Land, Marketing Land, .Net Magazine, and on his blog.
When Google announced its preference for user-friendly responsive websites in June 2012, I immediately saw an influx of posts that equated responsive design with search engine optimization. This is unfortunate because, while responsive websites can be SEO-friendly, some responsive websites are not.
I’ve detailed some of the common errors that give responsive websites problems in search... Read More