Ashish Bogawat Ashish is a graphic designer, technology enthusiast and gamer. Other than drooling over gadgety goodness on the web and elsewhere, he runs Synsynoia, a design studio with a focus on web, communication and learning design. He’s on twitter as @abogawat.
This article is the third part of an article series about improving your design workflow in Adobe Fireworks with some of the best extensions currently available. You may want to check out the first and second parts if you're not already familiar with them. – Ed.
We have already covered over a dozen brilliant extensions to add to your Fireworks arsenal, just the tip of the iceberg. With... Read More
In my previous article on Smashing Magazine, I discussed seven excellent extensions that could fundamentally change your Web design workflow in Adobe Fireworks. The extensions expand Fireworks’ capabilities by adding valuable functionality that could make a huge impact on your overall productivity as a designer.
I have to admit, though, that at the time, I was able only to scratch the... Read More
As a platform, Fireworks gives its users a lot of freedom, when it comes to extending it. Because of that, Fireworks has a thriving ecosystem of add-ons (extensions) that add a lot of valuable functionality with newer options.
In this article, I'll try to list some of my top extensions for Fireworks. These are not necessarily the most complex or powerful extensions, but rather those... Read More