Andy Croxall Andy Croxall is a Web developer from Wandsworth, London, England. He is a Javascript specialist and is an active member of the jQuery community, posting plugins and extensions. He has worked for clients ranging from the London Stock Exchange to Durex. You can keep up with him and his projects and creations on his website,
JavaScript. At once bizarre and yet beautiful, it is surely the programming language that Pablo Picasso would have invented. Null is apparently an object, an empty array is apparently equal to false, and functions are bandied around as though they were tennis balls.
This article is aimed at intermediate developers who are curious about more advanced JavaScript. It is a collection of... Read More
One of the numerous advantages brought about by the explosion of jQuery and other JavaScript libraries is the ease with which you can create interactive tools for your site. When combined with server-side technologies such as PHP, this puts a serious amount of power at your finger tips.
In this article, I’ll be looking at how to combine JavaScript/jQuery with PHP and, particularly,... Read More
The explosion of JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as jQuery onto the front-end development scene has opened up the power of JavaScript to a far wider audience than ever before. It was born of the need — expressed by a crescendo of screaming by front-end developers who were fast running out of hair to pull out — to improve JavaScript's somewhat primitive API, to make up for the lack of... Read More