Addy Osmani Addy Osmani is a Developer Programs Engineer on the Chrome team at Google. A passionate JavaScript developer, he has written open-source books like ‘Learning JavaScript Design Patterns’ and ‘Developing Backbone Applications’, having also contributed to open-source projects like Modernizr and jQuery. He is currently working on ‘Yeoman’ - an opinionated workflow for building beautiful applications.
Today we’ll discuss how to improve the paint performance of your websites and Web apps. This is an area that we Web developers have only recently started looking at more closely, and it’s important because it could have an impact on your user engagement and user experience.
Frame rate is the rate at which a device produces consecutive images to the screen. A low frames per second (FPS)... Read More
Many of us care deeply about developing our craft. But staying up to date can be a true challenge, because the quantity of fresh information we’re regularly exposed to can be a lot to take in. 2012 has been no exception, with a wealth of evolution and refinement going on in the front end.
Great strides have been made in how we approach workflow, use abstractions, appreciate code quality... Read More
JavaScript engines such as Google’s V8 (Chrome, Node) are specifically designed for the fast execution of large JavaScript applications. As you develop, if you care about memory usage and performance, you should be aware of some of what's going on in your user's browser's JavaScript engine behind the scenes.
Whether it’s V8, SpiderMonkey (Firefox), Carakan (Opera), Chakra (IE) or... Read More