Vitaly Friedman

About The Author

Vitaly Friedman Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. Vitaly is writer, speaker, author and editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine. He runs responsive Web design workshops, online workshops and loves solving complex UX, front-end and performance problems in large companies. Get in touch.

“This One Is Going To Be A Game Changer.” Meet SmashingConf San Francisco 2016

So, do you like challenges? Now, this one is going to smash you alright. Meet SmashingConf San Francisco 2016, packed with smart front-end and UX techniques — CSS/JavaScript architecture, SVG, Flexbox, pattern libraries, performance, UX, interface design, content strategy — to challenge everything about how you design and code — and how to touch someone's heart with design. So you know...

So, do you like challenges? Now, this one is going to smash you alright. Meet SmashingConf San Francisco 2016, packed with smart front-end and UX techniques — CSS/JavaScript architecture, SVG, Flexbox, pattern libraries, performance, UX, interface design, content strategy — to challenge everything about how you design and code — and how to touch someone's heart with design.

SmashingConf San Francisco

1 track, 2 conference days, 6 workshops, 16 excellent speakers and just 400 available tickets, taking place on April 5–6, 2016. It might not be the ultimate journey of your life-time, but for front-end and UX, this is going to be quite a game changer: you might not be the same again. To the tickets.

About The Conference

So you know what's going on in front-end. You've been working with pattern libraries and atomic design and Gulp and SMCSS and BEM and HTTP/2 and Flexbox and SVG. What you might not know though is what pitfalls and traps other web designers have encountered in practice — to prevent issues creeping out down the road.

With our conference in San Francisco, we bring together experienced speakers to share practical front-end and UX techniques and pitfalls they ran into, lessons they've learned and the workflows they've chosen to stay efficient. Expect an intimate, hands-on conference experience, with lots of learning, sharing and networking along the way. Admittedly, it might not be the ultimate journey of your life-time, but for front-end and UX, it will push your boundaries significantly.

SmashingConf San Francisco 2016
SmashingConf SFO 2016 is a two-day event taking place in the very heart of San Francisco. If you've always wanted to visit the city, or just happen to live around the corner (well, more or less), this is just the opportunity you've been waiting for. Image Credit.

The conference will cover CSS techniques and JavaScript architecture, SVG and Flexbox techniques, performance optimization and psychology insights, UX strategies and design workflows, tips on establishing and maintaining pattern libraries, and steps to produce resilient, fast responsive websites. All learned from actual, real-life projects.

We don't care about trends, but we do care about smart solutions. We love exploring how designers and developers work and how actual problems are solved—ideas and techniques that actually worked, or failed in real-life projects, and why exactly they failed and what decisions were chosen instead. All those things that help us make smarter design decisions and build better products, faster.

That's exactly what the conference will be about. No theory, no fluff, just curated quality content. 2 conference days, 1 track, hands-on workshops and 16 speakers, taking place on April 5–6, 2016 in Fort Mason, with a beautiful backdrop on the Golden Gate Bridge. Of course, we embrace respect and tolerance with our code of conduct. Seriously, this conference will literally blow you away.


We thoroughly curate every single talk at the conference. We’ve invited speakers passionate about their work and who’ve learned a thing or two from their own experiences:

First confirmed speakers at SmashingConf SFO 2016
First confirmed speakers, Ilya Grigorik and Una Kravetz.

Tuesday, April 5th

Wednesday, April 6th

  • Mystery Speaker
    Inside Alcatraz Angel Island
  • Patty Toland
    Coherent Design Systems Filament Group
  • Jina Bolton
    Living Style Guides Salesforce
  • Tim Kadlec
    Performance Optimization Akamai
  • Jeff Atwood
    Community Creation Coding Horror
  • Mark Boulton
    Working with Clients Monotype

Why This Conference Could Be For You

Pretty much because of the value it will provide. We'll explore how designers and developers work, design and build and how they approach problems strategically. Think of it as a playbook with handy rules of thumb for your next projects: it can't get more practical than this. Learn:

  1. Strategies for building fast responsive websites,
  2. Clever psychological techniques for smarter interfaces,
  3. Techniques and guidelines for better mobile UX,
  4. Guidelines for scalable front-end and CSS,
  5. How to integrate performance budgets into your workflow,
  6. Advanced front-end and UX tooling and setup,
  7. Guidelines for delightful, engaging UX,
  8. Mistakes and lessons learned from large projects,
  9. Responsive design patterns for future-ready websites,
  10. How to increase the productivity of your team for good,
  11. How to touch someone's heart with design.
  12. …more practical takeaways from real-life projects.

Download "Convince Your Boss" PDF

So you need to convince your manager to send you to the SmashingConf? No worries, we've got your back! We prepared a neat Convince Your Boss (PDF) (0.15 Mb) that you can use to convince your colleagues, friends, neighbors and total strangers to join you or send you to the event. We know that you will not be disappointed. Still not good enough? Well, tweet us @smashingconf and we'll help you out — we can be quite convincing, too, you know!

SmashingConf San Francisco: Convince Your Boss PDF
"8 reasons why you should send your incredibly hard-working, deserving employee to the SmashingConf" (PDF). Quite self-explanatory, really.

We Welcome Lovely Sponsors, Too

We do everything possible to keep ticket prices affordable for everyone, and we welcome sponsors to help us create a truly unique, unforgettable conference experience. And you can be a major part of it. We have some attractive and creative sponsorship packages for you, and we are also flexible and would love to adjust them to your needs. So if you’re interested, please email us at — we’d love for you to be involved!

See You In San Francisco!

We are looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco, and who knows, perhaps months later after the conference is over, you’ll look back at your workflow, at your projects and at this very article realizing that it wasn’t that off after all. Grab your ticket and see you there!

SmashingConf San Francisco

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