Keir Whitaker

About The Author

Keir Whitaker Keir Whitaker works at Shopify & co-hosts The Back to Front Show podcast. He regulary writes about, and shares links on, ecommerce, the web industry & podcasting.

Survey: Essential JavaScript for New Projects

Like many developers I have a standard set of files that I simply copy into every new project I start. These include base HTML templates, useful PHP functions, Sass mixins and a number of JavaScript files that I can't live without. With the advent of great libraries like Modernizr and polyfills such as the indepensable html5shim we are becoming more reliant on these resources to help us create...

Like many developers I have a standard set of files that I simply copy into every new project I start. These include base HTML templates, useful PHP functions, Sass mixins and a number of JavaScript files that I can’t live without. With the advent of great libraries like Modernizr and polyfills such as the indepensable html5shim we are becoming more reliant on these resources to help us create great web sites and applications.

I thought it would be interesting to learn more about the libraries and scripts our readers on Smashing Coding use on a daily basis.

Here’s a list of my standard JavaScript files that I have in my “js” directory. Not all of them get used on each project and a tidy up is undertaken before the final production deploy but most of them tend to feature in most of my sites.

What am I missing from my toolbox? I would love to hear more about what you use and why? Please do let us know in the comments.

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Rapid Prototyping For Any Device With Foundation


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