Jad Limcaco

About The Author

Jad Limcaco Former editor in chief of Designinformer.

Weekly Wrap: The Redesign

It's 3:49 AM as I am writing this post. I just recently came up with a new format that I would like to start here on Design Informer and it is called "Weekly Wrap." Every weekend, I will be writing a post about the best and most interesting articles/tutorials/reviews/freebies of the week. But the only difference from this and the other similar posts from the other blogs is that mine will not...

It's 3:49 AM as I am writing this post. I just recently came up with a new format that I would like to start here on Design Informer and it is called "Weekly Wrap." Every weekend, I will be writing a post about the best and most interesting articles/tutorials/reviews/freebies of the week. But the only difference from this and the other similar posts from the other blogs is that mine will not be in list form, but it will follow an article format. Oh, and I forgot, I will also be inserting little tidbits here and there about how my week went and what I got accomplished, etc. So anyway, here it goes.

The Weekly Wrap

This past week, I finally came out from hibernation and published a new post which was about running a design business. By the way, the post was written by Duane Kinsey. The reason for the long pause on the blog was because I was busy with work, freelance projects, and I was redesigning my personal portfolio. It took me about two and a half weeks to finish the redesign. Could it have been because I stink at design? Oh, and did I mention that I also played around with transparency on my new website? You can see an example of it here. I also used CSS3 to connect the dots on my site. I am a little curious if my CSS renders efficiently and whether or not I'm using the best-practices with my coding?

Website Redesigns

I'm not the only one who redesigned my site though, Brian Hoff completely revamped his site as well. Apparently, Mr. Collis Ta'eed noticed that this was redesign week because he also redesigned Creattica.

WordPress Logo

Anyway, enough about redesigns, let's talk a little bit about the community. If I remember correctly, there was a great "how to" article that I read about moving your WordPress site. Since we are on the subject of websites, let me as you a question. "Is your website responsive?" Here's another question for you to think about. Are All Graphic Designers Logo Designers? So which of the two questions do you prefer to answer?

Well, I just want to wish WordPress a Happy 7th Birthday. I’ll end it with that.

Until next week, that's a wrap!

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Insights Into the Running of a Design Business

by Duane Kinsey

When I left my job almost 2 years ago to start my own graphic design business, there were a few, let’s say, surprises. The biggest of which was that the majority of my time was being spent running the business, and not actually designing. It is quite difficult to put a number to it, but as a rough guess, I spend around 30% of my time designing. The remaining 70% is spent on other activities...

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Awesome Mother's Day Designs

by Jad Limcaco

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CSS Posters

by Jad Limcaco

I've always stressed the importance of practice and experimentation. If you want to get better at something or if you want to learn something, you have to keep on doing it over and over again. This is very true with web design as well. We've even published an article here on Design Informer about the benefits of experimentation. I'm very busy as I work a full-time 9-6 job as a web designer,...

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