Vitaly Friedman

About The Author

Vitaly Friedman Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. Vitaly is writer, speaker, author and editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine. He runs responsive Web design workshops, online workshops and loves solving complex UX, front-end and performance problems in large companies. Get in touch.

Smashing Pumpkins and Halloween Redesigns

Right, it's the 31st of October. In spirit of the coming Halloween parties we'd like to spark some design flavour by showcasing Halloween redesigns we've stumbled upon over the last few days. Pumpkins, skeletons, dark colors and spiders can be found almost in every Halloween design. In some cases designers replace some of the logo elements by visual elements (images or Flash-movies); other...

Right, it's the 31st of October. In spirit of the coming Halloween parties we'd like to spark some design flavour by showcasing Halloween redesigns we've stumbled upon over the last few days. Pumpkins, skeletons, dark colors and spiders can be found almost in every Halloween design. In some cases designers replace some of the logo elements by visual elements (images or Flash-movies); other designers tend to add dark background colors and an according Halloween theme to the web-site's header. And sometimes the whole design is completely replaced with a Halloween theme.

Smashing Halloween Logo Redesigns

Last week we've presented some beautiful wallpapers and tutorials in our Halloween Roundup: Wallpapers And Tutorials and asked our readers to send us their redesigns of our Smashing Magazine logo. As a result we've got a number of Smashing Pumpkings which we'd like to present in this post as well. And we've also replaced our logo with the Halloween logo designed by Marian Buhnici (first logo in the list below).

Thanks to all designers for participation!

Marian Buhnici

Smashing Halloween

Giovanni Dema

Smashing Halloween


Smashing Halloween

Vitor Almeida

Smashing Halloween

Kostas Mavropalias

Smashing Halloween

Lauren Burdette

Smashing Halloween

Cole Henley

Smashing Halloween

Halloween Logo Redesigns

In the brief overview below we've listed some Halloween logo redesign we've found over the last few days. We've definitely missed some designs. You can find more Halloween logos in Philipp Lenssen's recent post. Stumbled upon some more attractive designs? Please let us know in the comments! Thank you. And smashing Halloween, folks!

Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Animated Flash-Logo
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot
Halloween Screenshot offers a Halloweenish background image.

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