The Smashing Editorial

About The Author

The Smashing Editorial The Smashing team loves high-quality content and cares about the little details. Through our online articles, Smashing Books, eBooks as well as Smashing Conferences, we are committed to stimulating creativity and strengthening the web design community’s creative forces.

Smashing Magazine Logo Contest

Few days ago we've re-aligned the Smashing Magazine web-site, changed the theme and - most importantly - re-designed the navigation menu. So far so good. However, in the end we've found ourselves in a dilemma - Smashing Magazine doesn't have a proper logo, which would mark our identity and relate to the subjects we cover on our pages. In fact, we need a unique, fresh and stylish logo. And...

Few days ago we’ve re-aligned the Smashing Magazine web-site, changed the theme and - most importantly - re-designed the navigation menu. So far so good. However, in the end we’ve found ourselves in a dilemma - Smashing Magazine doesn’t have a proper logo, which would mark our identity and relate to the subjects we cover on our pages.

In fact, we need a unique, fresh and stylish logo. And since you determine the content of Smashing Magazine, we’d like you to help us in creating it. So, basically, this is what this post is about.

Hereby we announce the Smashing Magazine Logo Contest for the most creative, clean and fresh logo for our web-site.

Update (14.03.2007):

You can submit 1-3 designs. You can also send us a watermarked version. But you can be sure that we won’t use any of your logos for our purposes without your permission.

Update (16.03.2007):

We’ve received 14 logos from Mexico, South Africa, Canada, USA, UK, Spain and Italy. We’re expecting your designs, too, you know ;).

Update (27.03.2007):

Four days to go. We have received 82 logos so far.

Here is the list of all 50 participants of the contest so far.

  • Andrew Butterworth
  • Kyle Mistry
  • Ruan Deyzel
  • Nelson Garcia
  • Salvo Nicolosi
  • Justin Gardner
  • Samuel Mularczyk
  • Michael Bleigh
  • Ben Clinch
  • Aloke Pillai
  • Mike Anderson
  • Hugo Beltran
  • Mike O.
  • Konstantin Lang
  • Jesus Riera
  • Elena Gafita
  • Lane Allen
  • Hulub “Teddyx” Teodor
  • Ryan Brennan
  • igor
  • Roland Hidvegi
  • Kantor Andrei
  • Precup Alexandru
  • Brian Mayzure
  • Alec Julien
  • Gabriel Agu
  • Joanna Betlej
  • Lance Waldrop
  • Florin Hatmanu
  • Knol Aust
  • Suszter Viktor
  • Robert Karpati
  • Glen Ainscow
  • phunk83
  • Francesco Importa
  • Roberto Cecchi
  • Myriam Balian
  • Bruno Rosa
  • Daniel Marina
  • Djurdjica Selec
  • Roland Liechti
  • Marcel Villerius
  • Matt Harzewski
  • Victor Fedyuk
  • Stefan Asemonta
  • Kyle Easter
  • Dodjie Buncab

Update (29.03.2007):

22 more participants, 37 more logos. 2 days to go.

New participants:

  • Mike Secreto
  • Kashif Rahman
  • Josue Sierra
  • Hulub Teodor
  • Goce Mitevski (monsteer)
  • Hardi P
  • Denis Perekhrest
  • Kaitlyn Allen
  • Jeremy (jrmy0641)
  • Allan Garcia
  • mat taylor
  • Mostaque Ahammed
  • Mihai Florea
  • Christine Noonan
  • Oli Kooc Media
  • Istvan Farkas
  • sadia belanger
  • Rico Desjardins
  • Okuonghae maxim / maxximovitch
  • Foppe Hemminga
  • Matthew Ravenhall
  • Jason Anonuevo

Update (01.04.2007):

No more entries are accepted. We have received 192 logos from 105 participants worldwide.

Thanks for your time, your inspiration, your dedication. We appreciate it.

Here is the list of new participants (30.03 - 31.03):

  • Anna Bergström
  • Virus Minus
  • Samuel Le Morvan
  • Katie Mathieson
  • Kaela Stanley
  • Marshall McDonald
  • hanifan verdi
  • Dave Howarth
  • Mario Carcaterra
  • k shea
  • Sylvain Plaideux
  • Achmad Bisri
  • Vladislav Makevich
  • Dragos
  • Dan Loffler
  • Frank Muller
  • Reynante “Reynan” Alibuyog
  • Ryan Helsing
  • Alexandra Polido
  • Alex Molchan
  • sagara sagara
  • Tim Luckey
  • Manolis Gerasidis
  • Luis Simoes
  • Muhammad Najib Bin Abdul Rahim
  • Manolis Gerasidis
  • li song
  • Xiao Peng
  • Yuan Giersdorf
  • Marcos Guiponi
  • Melissa Scroggins
  • Diana Ilithya
  • adanVecindad
Over the next few days we’ll present most interesting works and announce the winner.

What about a reward?

The winner gets the SimpleTech SimpleDrive External. It’s a stylish, quick external hard drive with 250 GB capacity and Hi-Speed USB 2.0. Besides, winner’s name will appear in the footer of every Smashing Magazine’s web-page - as long as we use it, of course.

SimpleTech SimpleDrive External Hard Drive

Since we don’t know, which country the winner will come from, we might get in problem delivering the hard drive to some countries of the world. Don’t worry about it, we’ll find an appropriate solution.

What is required?

In order to participate, design
  • a distinctive Smashing Magazine logo for our header. Max. height: 65px. Max. size: 20 Kb. Format: .gif or .png.
  • a Favicon. Size: 16x16px or 32x32px. Format: .ico.
The logo has to be related to the topics we cover in Smashing Magazine. Take a look around and select themes you think are most appropriate.

Send your designs via e-mail at office at smashingmagazine dot com with subject “Logo Contest”. Mention your name, your URL and the country you come from. If it’s possible send us also a brief description of your design and the theme you’ve selected. We’d like to know, which idea has been the driving force behind design. We’d like you to be creative. We’d like you to get really excited about it. At least as excited as we are.

May I participate?

Sure! If you’d like to.


We’ll consider all designs we receive until the 31st of March 2007. In the beginning of April we’ll present most interesting works and announce the winner.

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