Sven Lennartz

About The Author

Sven Lennartz Sven is the co-founder and former CEO of Smashing Magazine. He’s now writing at his Conterest Blog, where he focuses on blogs, content strategy and publishing — all in German.

Inspire Yourself: 58 Creative Logos

Logotypes stand for Corporate Identity. The better a logo is designed, the greater is the probability that your potential clients will remember your CI and get back to you once your service is needed. Consequence: designers have to be creative and put many efforts in designing beautiful, unique and catchy logos. And the results they come out with are sometimes stunning and spectacular. Both in...

Logotypes stand for Corporate Identity. The better a logo is designed, the greater is the probability that your potential clients will remember your CI and get back to you once your service is needed. Consequence: designers have to be creative and put many efforts in designing beautiful, unique and catchy logos. And the results they come out with are sometimes stunning and spectacular. Both in graphic design and web design.

This isn't just another collection of logotypes. These are 58 creative logos you can inspire yourself from. Nevermind how different the logos are - they show the current trend in modern logo design. The logos we've selected below have been created and optimized for Web. Links checked: August/19 2008 - meanwhile some sites are dead, their logos are not linked.

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