Anselm Hannemann

About The Author

Anselm Hannemann Anselm Hannemann is a freelance front-end developer and architect. He curates WDRL — a weekly, handcrafted web development newsletter. Apart from that he helped the RICG, built and organizes the NightlyBuild 2015 conference in Cologne, Germany. He is available for freelance jobs.

Web Development Reading List #111: Preconnect, Dynamic Responsive Images, DOM Event Listeners

What’s going on in the industry? What new techniques have emerged recently? What insights, tools, tips and tricks is the web design community talking about? Anselm Hannemann is collecting everything that popped up over the last week in his web development reading list so that you don’t miss out on anything. The result is a carefully curated list of articles and resources that are worth taking...

What’s going on in the industry? What new techniques have emerged recently? What insights, tools, tips and tricks is the web design community talking about? Anselm Hannemann is collecting everything that popped up over the last week in his web development reading list so that you don’t miss out on anything. The result is a carefully curated list of articles and resources that are worth taking a closer look at. — Ed.

Each week when reviewing links I’m grateful that so many people write such great articles. Useful technical articles that help you resolve front-end issues, inspirational articles that motivate you to enjoy work again, and sort of "social" articles that reveal that there are still start-ups out there that do their best to be meaningful, and not just seeking an exit strategy to sell out. I’d love more people in the world think like that, embrace their employees’ work time, try to force workaholics to stop working, and build health monitors in the team.


  • Only a few weeks after Node.js 4 was released, Node.js v5 has followed. You can grab it now, but don’t worry – version 4 will still be supported and updated for a quite long time as it’s a long-term release. You can also read about the new version releases and what’s important.
  • Latest Chrome and Opera 33 now support <link rel=preconnect> as well as extended sandboxed iframe options, history.scrollRestoration, CSS intrinsic sizing, Client Hints, and HKPK support.
  • Firefox has released v42. It includes the new, more bullet-proof tracking protection in private windows, extended security and privacy settings, mute audio tabs instantly, and WiFi debugging in DevTools.

Concepts & Design

  • The Awesome collections got a new member: Awesome Stock Resources with a comprehensive overview of freely available stock photos and videos.

AVA test runner


  • For me personally this is a very annoying thing: deprecated, abandoned branches in git repositories. A how to mass-delete local and remote branches is a good round-up of solutions to this problem, and just a good reminder to keep things clean and focused.
  • The new AVA test runner finally enables us to run tests much faster as it uses concurrency. You might want to check it out for your next project.
  • With iOS 9 Apple has introduced a new kind of WebView. A hint: with an iOS app you can test all available WebViews on iOS easily.


  • Snyk finds and fixes known vulnerabilities in your Node.js dependencies. Also check out nsp which also can help you find vulnerabilities in your node.js applications.

Web Performance


Work & Life

Go beyond…

And with that I’ll close for this week. Please feel free to support me with a donation or share this resource with other people. You can learn more about the costs of the project here. It’s available via E-Mail, RSS and online.

Thanks and all the best,

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