Well, almost anything. We can’t guarantee space shuttle journeys or going back in time, but we will put on a truly intimate, valuable and memorable event. Taking place on October 20–21, SmashingConf Barcelona will be packed with smart solutions ranging from front-end to design to UX — and a few delightful surprises along the way. To the tickets.
$469 / €345 + VAT
Hurry up! Early-birds are already gone.About The Conference
We strongly believe that trends don't matter, but techniques do. With SmashingConf Barcelona, we keep exploring interesting problems, smart solutions and lessons learned from actual projects. We highlight what has worked and what has failed — and why — so you know what to do next time you encounter similar problems. That's what makes up the spirit of our conferences, and we take pride in it.
It's not just about techniques, though. We will also explore how designers and developers work, design and build, how they approach problems strategically and what workflows they use to find solutions. You'll learn what warning signs and common stumbling blocks to watch out for, how to deal with them, and how to prevent them from happening. Think of it as a little playbook with handy rules of thumb: it doesn't get more practical than this.
We also want to hear your stories and your experiences. That's why we also invite you to speak at the meet-up before the event. Taking place on October 20–21, it's an event that might keep you on your toes for quite some time. Seriously.
First Speakers
We’ve invited speakers passionate about their work and who've learned a thing or two from their own experiences. We’re happy to welcome the first confirmed speakers:
- Anna Debenham
Front-End - Chris Coyier
Front-End • CSS Tricks - Joe Leech
UX, Psychology - Leisa Reichelt
User Research • GDS, Gov.uk - Brendan Dawes
Interaction Design - Jina Bolton
Sr. Product Designer, Sass • Salesforce - Zach Leatherman
Front-End, Performance • FilamentGroup - Zoe M. Gillenwater
UX, Flexbox • Booking.com - Patrick Hamann
Performance • The Guardian - Espen Brunborg
Typography, Front-End - Seb Lester
Lettering, Typography - Andrew Clarke
Front-End, Responsive Design - The Mystery Speaker
(Somebody you definitely know, and respect.)
Hands-On Workshops
We’ll also host hands-on full-day workshops with practical techniques and strategies taught by practitioners in the industry. So if you are going to attend the conference, why not attend a workshop as well? In fact, if you book a workshop too, you'll save $100 off the conference + workshop ticket price.
Why This Conference Could Be For You
The conference could be for you just because it's very practical. You’ll learn many valuable techniques for your workflow, and you’ll meet fantastic, like-minded people from the industry. You’ll learn:
- Strategies for building fast responsive websites,
- Clever psychological techniques for smarter interfaces,
- Techniques and guidelines for better mobile UX,
- Guidelines for scalable CSS and JavaScript,
- Gotchas and rules of thumb when using SVG and Flexbox,
- How to optimize for performance and content delivery,
- Techniques for better lettering and interaction design,
- Mistakes and lessons learned from real-life projects,
- Responsive design patterns for future-ready websites,
- Avoid generic solutions with designs that exhibit soul and personality.
Download "Convince Your Boss" PDF
We also prepared a neat Convince Your Boss (PDF) (0.15 Mb) that you can use to convince your boss, colleagues, friends, neighbors and total strangers to join you or send you to the event. We know that you will not be disappointed. Still not good enough? Well, tweet us @smashingconf — we can be quite convincing, too!
We also welcome sponsors to help us create a truly unique, unforgettable conference experience. And you can be a major part of it. We have quite a number of attractive and creative sponsorship options (PDF) for you, and we'd love to adjust them to your needs. So if you’re interested, please contact us via hello@smashingconf.com — we’d love for you to be involved!
See You In Barcelona!
We are looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona, and who knows, perhaps months after the conference is over, you'll look back at your workflow, at your projects and at this very article realizing that it wasn't far off after all. After all, it's a conference where anything can happen, right? See you there!