Jan Constantin

About The Author

Jan Constantin Jan Constantin loves to spend time writing for Smashing Magazine and devouring science-related articles.

Upcoming Web Design Events (Mar. 2013 – Oct. 2013)

A Web developer is never through with learning new skills. So many new techniques crop up over a year, that keeping up to date can be quite challenging, especially with the usual workload Web developers have on their plates. An enjoyable, speedy way to find out about all the new developments of the year, is to visit Web design and development conferences and workshops. These events not...

A Web developer is never through with learning new skills. So many new techniques crop up over a year, that keeping up to date can be quite challenging, especially with the usual workload Web developers have on their plates. An enjoyable, speedy way to find out about all the new developments of the year, is to visit Web design and development conferences and workshops. These events not only deliver a huge load of information in a short period of time, they're also great for networking with like-minded professionals.

This post covers events taking place in about a eight-month timeframe up to late October 2013. These conferences take us through a good part of the year, so keep a lookout for our next issue toward the end of the year.

There is no way for us to include every possible event, so you are more than welcome to help us out and provide a comment to an upcoming event that you feel would be of interest to Smashing Magazine’s readers. The list is quite lengthy, so let's dive in.

March 2013

Lean Day: UX
"A one-day, single track event focused on case studies and best practices implementing lean startup and lean UX in the enterprise."

  • When: Mar. 1, 2013
  • Where: New York, USA

Responsive Day Out
"An affordable, enjoyable gathering of UK designers and developers sharing their workflow strategies, techniques, and experiences with responsive Web design."

  • When: Mar. 1, 2013
  • Where: The Corn Exchange, Brighton, UK

Designing For Mobility 2013 "Designing for mobility 2013 is a single day, single track conference, about designing for all things mobile. It's about how we design for all the things we do when we’re not in front of a computer – whether that’s finding out things when you’re lost in the middle of a strange city; or using your phone, tablet and TV on the couch all at once. It will include interesting case studies, new methods & new approaches to old techniques."

  • When: Mar. 1, 2013
  • Where: Melbourne, Australia

BeagaJS At BeagasJS Web professionals will have the opportunity to interact and exchange experiences with big names in the community and discuss current questions centered around JavaScript and HTML5."

  • When: Mar. 2, 2013
  • Where: Belo Horizont, Brazil

Midwest PHP Conference 2013 This PHP conference "will include two days of fantastic sessions for all skill levels".

  • When: Mar. 2-3, 2013
  • Where: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

jQueryTO "The 2013 jQueryTO conference will feature a 2 day schedule with over 30 speakers. Local & foriegn talent has been amassed to provide insight into the future of development, design, user experience & mobile using JavaScript, HTML & CSS."

  • When: Mar. 2-3, 2013
  • Where: Toronto, Canada

ConveyUX "ConveyUX is about making software easier and more enjoyable to use through the use of the latest techniques in user research and design."

  • When: Mar. 4-6, 2013
  • Where: Seattle, Washington, USA

NSConference 5 "NSConf isn't just about super speakers, awesome networking and loads of learning. It's about taking on the world - one app at a time."

  • When: Mar. 4-6, 2013
  • Where: Leicester, UK

CocoaConf Chicago 2013 "CocoaConf Chicago is a developer conference focused on all things Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Featuring three tracks and over thirty breakout and general sessions, it will have something for every iPhone, iPad, and Mac developer."

  • When: Mar. 7-9, 2013
  • Where: Elk Grove, Illinois, USA

SXSW Interactive 2013 "The 2013 SXSW® Interactive Festival will feature five days of compelling presentations from the brightest minds in emerging technology, scores of exciting networking events hosted by industry leaders, the SXSW Trade Show and an unbeatable lineup of special programs showcasing the best new digital works, video games and innovative ideas the international community has to offer."

  • When: Mar. 8-12, 2013
  • Where: Austin, TX

MobileTech Conference 2013 A four day conference about mobile development and trends, where you can get up-to-date on mobile strategies with experts in the field.

  • When: Mar. 11-14, 2013
  • Where: Munich, Germany

Booster 2013 "Booster is a software conference aimed at developers, project managers/scrum masters, architects, UX people, testers, test managers and security professionals."

  • When: Mar. 13-15, 2013
  • Where: Bergen, Norway

Edge Of The Web "Edge of the Web is a loosely structured conference for web devs, ethicists, creatives, entrepreneurs and futurists with a focus on outsourcing, design thinking, ethics and profitable collaboration."

  • When: Mar. 14-15, 2013
  • Where: Perth, Australia

UX Munich A conference "about designing and implementing great user experiences" with a great lineup.

  • When: Mar. 14-15, 2013
  • Where: Munich, Germany

mdevcon 2013 "The conference is by mobile developers, for mobile developers. We have two days with multiple tracks, designed in such a way that whether you’re an android, iOS or other mobile platform developer, there’s always at least one session that should be of interest."

  • When: Mar. 14-15, 2013
  • Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands

onGameStart US A Web and games conference: "We support the web as a space for open game development and collaboration. Come learn from our experience and share what you know!"

  • When: Mar. 15, 2013
  • Where: New York, USA

WebCoast 2013 "A physical meeting place for those of us who work, play and socialise on the web. A market place where we can exchange ideas and opinions, knowledge and inspiration."

  • When: Mar. 15-17, 2013
  • Where: Gothenburg, Sweden

CSS For The Soul "An intensive 2 day workshop on the language, the tools and ecosystem, and best practices."

  • When: Mar. 16-17, 2013
  • Where: Bangalore, India

CocoaConf DC 2013 "CocoaConf DC is a two-day, three-track conference filled with awesome technical content for iPhone, iPad, and Mac developers. Our sessions are taught by leading iOS / OS X authors, trainers, and consultants and cover topics ranging from XCode and Objective-C, to Core Data, Core Audio, Open GL."

  • When: Mar. 21-23, 2013
  • Where: Herndon, Virginia, USA

Digpen VI "The one-day, multi-disciplinary "nicest little web conference in the West". Digpen is the grassroots conference for web designers and developers from across the South West and beyond."

  • When: Mar. 23, 2013
  • Where: Cornwall, UK

Confab London 2013 "The Content Strategy Conference brings together professionals everywhere who realize the value of content. User experience. Marketing. IT. Business management. This is one big party for content-loving folks who value smart thinking, voracious learning, and constant improvement in the workplace and beyond."

  • When: Mar. 25-27, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

#Inspect 2013 — RubyMotion Conference "RubyMotion is the hot new toolchain that lets you write iPhone and iPad apps in Ruby, and the community around it has grown so fast it's time we had a conference. Come see where RubyMotion was born and find out how to enjoy programming for iOS again!"

  • When: Mar. 25-29, 2013
  • Where: Brussels, Belgium

MEX "MEX is 2 days where 100 of the brightest minds in mobile user experience learn techniques, define best practice and create new ideas."

  • When: Mar. 26-27, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

Devoxx UK Devoxx is the conference for developers run by the developers in the Java community, especially the London Java Community (LJC). The conference consists of several types of events; from a packed schedule of presentations by international speakers and the best of UK talent; Hands On Labs where attendees can get practical experience guided by experts in the field; and Birds Of A Feather sessions (BOFs) which are open-table discussions."

  • When: Mar. 26-27, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

Devoxx Frenace 2013 Devoxx France is a conference centered around the Java platform. It is focused on developers, businesses, startups and the future, i.e. robotics.

  • When: Mar. 27-29, 2013
  • Where: Paris, France

April 2013

An Event Apart Seattle 2013 "An Event Apart Seattle is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for. Join us for twelve great speakers and sessions, plus an optional day-long workshop on multi-device web design."

  • When: Apr. 1-3, 2013
  • Where: Seattle, USA

HTML5DevConf Spring 2013 "The HTML5 Developer Conference has become the largest JavaScript and HTML5 developers conference in the world. We provide sessions on Javascript, HTML5, Apps & Games, client, cloud, server, mobile, and more."

  • When: Apr. 1-3, 2013
  • Where: San Francisco, California, USA

ConFESS 2013 “The annual Conference For Enterprise Software Solutions will be held in Vienna/Austria in Spring 2013. This is the sixth conference organized by IRIAN and the EJUG Austria and the third one under the new brandname “CONFESS”.”

  • When: Apr. 3-5, 2013
  • Where: Vienna, Austria

IA Summit 2013 "The IA Summit is the premiere, community-curated, and volunteer-run gathering on the ever-evolving disciplines of information architecture and experience design. It provides students, practitioners, and anyone interested with great tactical skills, amazing inspiring ideas, and an opportunity to collaborate and celebrate the great things happening in our communities of practice."

  • When: Apr. 3-7, 2013
  • Where: Baltimore, Maryland, USA

BED-Con 2013 BED-Con is a technology oriented conference all around the world of Java.

  • When: Apr. 4-5, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

CocoaConf Dallas 2013 "CocoaConf Dallas brings a 10-gallon hat full of Cocoa awesomeness to the Big D. With top-notch keynotes (including one by Daniel Steinberg) and technical sessions."

  • When: Apr. 4-6, 2013
  • Where: Dallas, Texas, USA

WordCamp Miami 2013 "WordCamp Miami 2013 is a three-day event that covers topics relating to WordPress, front-end development, and much more. 2012 brought more than 400 students, bloggers, and coders together for two days of education and fun. Expect big things for the 4th Annual WordCamp in Miami for 2013."

  • When: Apr. 5-7, 2013
  • Where: Miami, Florida, USA

MadWorld 2013 "MadWorld is a two-day conference with a fresh take on technical communication, featuring industry thought leaders and fellow peers from companies such as Caradigm (a Microsoft | GE Healthcare company), Blackbaud, N-able Technologies, Advanced Language Translation and more!"

  • When: Apr. 7-9, 2013
  • Where: San Diego, California, USA

droidcon 2013 "droidcon is all about Android, meeting the Android community, learning about the latest develops and giving you a stage to talk about your apps and solutions or just discuss a problem you are facing. What’s more, droidcon is about how businesses are increasingly utilizing Android and how companies and freelance developers can make money out of this."

  • When: Apr. 7-10, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

Breaking Developments 2013: Orlando "Breaking Development focuses on new, emerging techniques for web development and design for mobile devices. Our speakers are hand-picked to make sure you get challenging, well-delivered talks from a variety of different perspectives."

  • When: Apr. 8-10, 2013
  • Where: Orlando, Florida, USA

UX London 2013 "3 days of inspiration, education and skills development for user experience designers. We’re offering inspirational talks in the morning, followed by hands-on workshops in the afternoon, so each day will have a different theme covering product design, behaviour design and strategic design."

  • When: Apr. 10-12, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

TYPO San Francisco 2013 "When you think “contrast,” what comes to mind? Contrasting viewpoints; compare and contrast; the difference between tonal levels in a design? Whatever your vantage point, whether you’re thinking about the graphics on your own screen or the differences between cultures that inform our industry, we’ve invited our speakers and audience members to reflect on any variation of the idea of “contrast” in the design world".

  • When: Apr. 11-12, 2013
  • Where: San Francisco, California, USA

LeanUX NYC "LeanUX NYC is three days of cutting-edge learning and inspiration for designers, developers, product managers, and entrepreneurs."

  • When: Apr. 11-13, 2013
  • Where: New York, USA

Codemania "Developers have to know what's happening outside their own world. Some of the best talks you can hear are deep, technical talks about platforms that you don't use and maybe will never use."

  • When: Apr. 12, 2013
  • Where: Auckland, New Zealand

Whisky Web II "A web conference created for the web community, by the web community, Whisky Web will have something to offer everyone who works with the web, be they a designer, a developer or something inbetween. Get your geek on in Scotland's inspiring capital."

  • When: Apr. 12-13, 2013
  • Where: Edinburgh, UK

Bacon 2013 "We bring experts from around the world together for one simple aim, we want to show you ideas that will motivate you. BACON is made for devs, by devs, and includes a wide range of interesting topics. In 2012, BACON included talks on functional programming, beer, citizen journalism and much more."

  • When: Apr. 12-13, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

Ull 2013 "Peepcode has redefined online screencasting, and we're betting that it will redefine how much you can learn during an interactive session at a conference. The combination of experience, presentation skill and design talent has us drooling at the prospect of seeing" Geoffrey Grosenbach and Neven Mrgan live.

  • When: Apr. 12-14, 2013
  • Where: Dublin, Ireland

#iOSOnRailsConf 2013 "Ruby developers tend to be technology-curious. We love to explore. We also, often, find ourselves writing back ends to iPhone/iOS front ends. However, Rails and iOS have more in common than we may know."

  • When: Apr. 13-14, 2013
  • Where: Alushta, Ukraine

Xamarin Evolve 2013 "Join hundreds of fellow mobile developers for Xamarin’s first worldwide developer conference."

  • When: Apr. 14-17, 2013
  • Where: Austin, Texas, USA

MinneWebCon 2013 "MinneWebCon’s roots are in people coming together to solve problems and make things easier, and we are entering our sixth year with a big-time commitment to grassroots knowledge-sharing. You might hear from folks who are working in your field, or are in a position you consider light-years from the everyday."

  • When: Apr. 15-16, 2013
  • Where: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

HCID2013 "FREE talks and workshops around the ideas of creativity, usability, user experience, web accessibility, mobile design, multitouch technologies, service design, tours of our state of the art interaction lab and more!"

  • When: Apr. 17, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

Gel 2013 Conference "A conference for leaders, designers, and thinkers who care about creating a good experience - in tech, business, and the world. Since its first event in 2003, Gel has always introduced attendees to influential ideas – first. Gel was the first major stage for Wikipedia, Marissa Mayer, Khan Academy, Improv Everywhere, Ze Frank, and many others."

  • When: Apr. 17-19, 2013
  • Where: New York, USA

CocoaConf San Jose 2013 "For those who are just entering the Cocoa world, we’re bringing our all-day pre-conference iOS tutorial as an optional registration package: come and spend a day getting up to speed with Xcode, Objective-C, and iPhone development."

  • When: Apr. 18-20, 2013
  • Where: San Jose, USA

Mobile Mobile Conf "Mobile Mobile Conf is a fun little event for developers and creatives brought to you by Applicake, the team behind the legendary European Rails Conference Railsberry."

  • When: Apr. 18-19, 2013
  • Where: Krakow, Poland

jQuery UK 2013 "JQuery UK is back in 2013 in an amazing venue and with the same successful single track format. Learn from big names in the industry in one of the most active hubs of England's Web industry."

  • When: Apr. 19, 2013
  • Where: Oxford, UK

State Of The Browser 2013 "Like every year, London Web Standards bring you State of the Browser, a conference where browser representatives are on hand to show us how their technologies are being used to bring the web to tablets, smartphones, games consoles and television. Keynote talks, Q&As, breakout sessions and socialising will give you a better understanding of the modern, cross-platform web."

  • When: Apr. 20, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

Frontend DEV Conf '13 "Belarus's largest frontend conference."

  • When: Apr. 20, 2013
  • Where: Minsk, Belarus

FITC Toronto 2013 "With more than 70 renowned digital creators from around the globe, FITC Toronto attendees will be given the opportunity to learn from some of the most influential names in the digital space. Covering everything from user experience to the awe-inspiring world of Film Holographic VFX, this three day festival will leave attendees stimulated and eager to create in new and innovative ways."

  • When: Apr. 21-23, 2013
  • Where: Toronto, Canada

Realtime Conference Europe 2013 This conference is "melting pot conference for realtime technologies. We asked ourselves, 'What would an ideal realtime conference look like? Let's do that.'"

  • When: Apr. 22-23, 2013
  • Where: Lyon, France

UX Immersion Conference 2013 - Mobile "Whether you’re new to designing for mobile or already a pro, you’ll learn tons of practical techniques during 2 glorious days of hands-on workshops and 1 day of superb talks."

  • When: Apr. 22-24, 2013
  • Where: Seattle, Washington, USA

JAX 2013 JAX is the leading conference in Germany for pragmatic knowledge in the Java and the enterprise environments.

  • When: Apr. 22-26, 2013
  • Where: Mainz, Germany

railsberry 2013 "We want to experiment with a new formula and challenge Rails developers to focus on everything BUT Rails. We want to mix flavors and technologies and try things we never played with."

  • When: Apr. 22-23, 2013
  • Where: Krakow, Poland

GOTO Chicago 2013 "The GOTO Chicago program is created "by developers, for developers" where the emphasis is placed on presenting latest developments as they become relevant and interesting for the software development community. Some of the industry's best speakers, practioners and trainers will be at GOTO Chicago to present and train on a variety of topic areas."

  • When: Apr. 23-24, 2013
  • Where: Chicago, USA

NEXT Berlin 2013 "Today, NEXT Berlin leads the way as a meeting place for the European digital industry and is a vital driving force across borders. At the conference, marketing decision-makers and business developers meet technical experts and creative minds to discuss what will be important in the next 12 months – a mix that is totally unique among European conferences."

  • When: Apr. 23-24, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

Front Trends 2013 Front Trends is an affordable, popular European web technology conference for industry frontrunners. It it again featuring some of the biggest names in the business.

  • When: Apr. 24-26, 2013
  • Where: Warsaw, Poland

Df|Experience Cologne 2013 "The Df Conference Series started as Design for Conversion conference back in the days in Amsterdam. After many succesful DfC we decided that we didn't want to stick forever to "Conversion" and here we go with "Experience" for this conference. We still openly invite experts and professionals from all disciplines, to engage in challenge, broaden our collective knowledge and share our ideas."

  • When: Apr. 25, 2013
  • Where: Cologne, Germany

ConvergeSE 2013 "ConvergeSE takes place in beautiful springtime in Columbia, South Carolina. Over the course of three days you can dive into intense half and full day sessions, hop from venue to venue downtown taking in sessions on topics from design and development to business and marketing, and finally experience a full day of inspirational talks from an impressive array of speakers."

  • When: Apr. 25-27, 2013
  • Where: Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Creative South Design Conference 2013 "Columbus Creative, a Co-op of artists from all disciplines of digital and traditional media whose goal is to bring artists together to bring quality art to our community, will present its annual Creative South conference. Creative South will expose creative and marketing professionals, business people, and students to key speakers on the subject of branding and design in the digital era."

  • When: Apr. 27-28, 2013
  • Where: Columbia, Georgia, USA

Re:Design/UXD 2013 "Our theme for 2013 is “James Bond is an Experience Designer: What UXD Can Learn from How Others Think” — As we hurtle into the future and the concept of “experiences” changes dramatically by the day, what it means to be an “experience designer” is changing, too. At RE:DESIGN/UXD we’ll dive in and see what we can learn about crafting the future of experience by thinking like a British spy, a journalist, a genome-code cracker and beyond."

  • When: Apr. 29-30, 2013
  • Where: Menlo Park, California, USA

Future Insights Live - Las Vegas, 2013 "Full-day workshops on HTML5 & CSS3, UX, entrepreneurship, Node.js, and real-time event handling. Three days of sessions grouped into five tracks: Pure Design, Front-end Dev, Back-end Dev, Business, and Mobile. World-class speakers delivering future-focused sessions. Hands-on labs so you can apply your learning right away!" And More.

  • When: Apr. 29-Mai 2, 2013
  • Where: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


May 2013

Ready To Inspire 2013

"Ready to Inspire is a brand new conference about the craft of web design, type and code. It has workshops, live music, meetups and parties, but above all an exciting lineup of today's craftspeople and mind blowing new faces."
  • When: May 1-3, 2013
  • Where: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Web Directions Code 2013 "JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3: it’s a changing landscape. Web Directions brings together practitioners and big thinkers at the leading edge to educate and inspire at a “festival of code”."

  • When: May 1-3, 2013
  • Where: Melbourne, Australia

Point Conference 2013 "POINT is self-funded and is brought to you by a collective of designers who passionately believe that London needs a forum to discover, exemplify and discuss the issues that design, in its many forms, creates on a day-to-day basis."

  • When: May 2-3, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

Kerning 2013 "Kerning is the first international conference in Italy dedicated solely to typography and web typography."

  • When: May 2-3, 2013
  • Where: Faenza, Italy

Rustbelt Refresh 2013 "A single day dedicated to web design and front-end development."

  • When: May 3, 2013
  • Where: Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Made By Few 2013 "A Tech Conference featuring talks from leading entrepreneurs, designers, developers, and creatives. It’s part showcase, part education, and part inspiration."

  • When: May 4, 2013
  • Where: Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

PHP Unconference Europe 2013 "The mission of PHP Unconference Europe is to bring together an international group, who have detailed knowledge of PHP and related web technologies."

  • When: May 4-5, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

Adobe MAX 2013 "Adobe MAX is all about creativity and expressiveness. If you create, you won’t want to miss MAX. Designers, developers, strategists, video professionals, photographers, and more all come to MAX to exchange ideas and inspiration. Together with industry pros and visionaries, you’ll learn about the latest technologies, techniques, and strategies for delivering your best creative work."

  • When: May 4-8, 2013
  • Where: Los Angeles, California, USA

La Conf Paris 2013 "La Conf is a two-day single-track conference for Ruby & Rails developers - in the heart of Paris, France."

  • When: May 9-10, 2013
  • Where: Paris, France

MoDevUX 2013 MoDevUX is "a conference about mastering mobile UX and design."

  • When: May 9-11, 2013
  • Where: McLean, Virginia, USA

Port80 2013 "An all day web fest with 8 great speakers including: Andy Davies, Jack Franklin, Robin Christopherson, Paul Lloyd, Rachel Shillcock, Sophie Dennis, Benjy Stanton & Matt Andrews."

  • When: May 10, 2013
  • Where: Newport, UK

Artifact Conference 2013 "ARTIFACT is a two-day, single-track conference for DESIGNERS adapting to the challenge of designing for a MULTI-DEVICE world. See real world examples of responsive workflows, prototyping strategies, new tools, and deliverables and decide which ones will help YOU adapt."

  • When: May 13-15, 2013
  • Where: Austin, Texas, USA

Future Of Web Design London 2013 "The 7th annual Future of Web Design proudly presents three days of cutting edge learning and inspiration. Join us for a day of in-depth workshops, followed by two action-packed conference days in the heart of London!"

  • When: May 13-15, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

The World Wide Web Conference 2013 "The World Wide Web Conference is a yearly international conference on the topic of the future direction of the World Wide Web. It began in 1994 at CERN and is organized by the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2). The Conference aims to provide the world a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. The conference brings together researchers, developers, users and commercial ventures—indeed all those who are passionate about the Web and what it has to offer."

  • When: May 13-17, 2013
  • Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

UX Lx: User Experience Lisbon 2013 "UXLx is the premier User Experience event in Europe. Each year, 500 participants from dozens of countries all over the globe flock to sunny Lisbon to learn from world renowned speakers and to mingle and share their knowledge with fellow UX Pros. It's 3 lovely days of workshops and talks and we do party every night. It's an unforgettable experience."

  • When: May 15-17, 2013
  • Where: Lisbon, Portugal

Google I/O 2013 “Learn the tech world’s latest web, mobile and social breakthroughs and meet the developers who are turning them into tomorrow’s startups. Keep yourself and your team driving innovation at Google I/O.”

  • When: May 15-17, 2013
  • Where: San Francisco, California, USA

Mobilism 2013 "Mobile is becoming increasingly important to web designers and developers because users expect a site to work on their phones. Simultaneously, the web is becoming increasingly important to the mobile world because it is the only way to deploy an application to any phone."

  • When: May 15-17, 2013
  • Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands

jsDay 2013 "From case studies to project management, from new technologies to established ones, from development environments to best practices and mobile development, everything a javascript ninja should know will be covered during the jsDay 2013."

  • When: May 15-16, 2013
  • Where: Verona, Italy

ExpressionEngine Conference 2013 "The stunning Bridgewater Hall will host a great mix of regular and new speakers, covering topics like add–on development, optimisation and performance, bootstrapping, and much more. "

  • When: May 16-17, 2013
  • Where: Manchester, UK

TYPO Berlin 2013 "Design should make objects and graphics attractive, make people feel they would like to touch them, make people want to have them around. TYPO Touch is dedicated to the touching aspects of design."

  • When: May 16-18, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

Stir Trek 2013 "Stir Trek is a one-day conference focused on teaching software developers, and others in the industry, the latest and greatest in technologies, techniques, and tools."

  • When: May 17, 2013
  • Where: Columbus, Ohio, USA

Sud Web 2013 In olden times knights went in search of the Holy Grail: the perfect site. Due to the immensity and difficulty of this task, a handful of them decided to join their peers to share knowledge and experiences. This year, the magnificent Papal Palace will host a conference in the legendary Hall of Conclave.

  • When: May 17-18, 2013
  • Where: Avignon, France

An Event Apart San Diego 2013 "An Event Apart San Diego is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for."

  • When: May 20-22, 2013
  • Where: San Diego, California, USA

Internet Week New York 2013 "It is a week-long festival celebrating Internet business and culture and will attract more than 45,000 Internet professionals, working across all sectors, attending 250+ events produced by IWNY and 150+ citywide event partners."

  • When: May 20-27, 2013
  • Where: New York, USA

WebVisions Portland 2013 "WebVisions explores the future of design, content creation, user experience and business strategy in an event that inspires learning, collaboration and entrepreneurism."

  • When: May 22-24, 2013
  • Where: Portland, Oregon, USA

Gluecon 2013 "Cloud, Mobile, APIs, Big Data — all of the converging, important trends in technology today share one thing in common: developers. Developers are the vanguard. Gluecon covers topics like NoSQL, API’s, Node.js, HTML5, Backend-as-a-Service, cloud management and security, cloud storage, Hadoop, DevOps, Mobile App development, cloud platforms, and many, many others."

  • When: May 22-23, 2013
  • Where: Broomfield, Colorado, USA

Webshaped 2013 "Webshaped conference is a one-day event that'll have two separate tracks, bringing together design and development. It'll be the first big frontend conference in Finland. We aim to have visitors from all around northern Europe for a great day together. "

  • When: May 23, 2013
  • Where: Helsinki, Finnland

Web Rebels 2013 "We are non-profit community driven conference for everyone who loves programming applications and services using web technology. Whether it is the corner stones of the web today like JavaScript, or potential new languages such as ClojureScript or Dart. If it is potentially disruptive technology such as PhoneGap or WebGL. Or if it is talks the tools we use to create amazing experiences."

  • When: May 23-24, 2013
  • Where: Oslo, Norway

beyond tellerrand // Web 2013 "After a very short break and we are already back to hit you with the third edition of beyond tellerrand. The affordable event for a friendly and inspiring community."

  • When: May 27-29, 2013
  • Where: Düsseldorf, Germany

AnDevCon Boston 2013 "AnDevCon, the technical conference for software developers building Android apps, is the biggest, most info-packed, most practical Android developer conference in the world – and now it's coming to Boston!"

  • When: May 28-31, 2013
  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

CSSConf "CSSConf is among the first of its kind: a conference dedicated to CSS and the developers and engineers who build the world’s most engaging user interfaces. Rather than focusing on design, this conference focuses on the latest technologies, cutting edge techniques, and tools. Perhaps more importantly, CSSConf will build the kind of community in CSS that JSConf has built around JavaScript, and connect the two communities in a way that has been missing until now."

  • When: May 28th, 2013
  • Where: Amelia Island, Florida, USA

O'Reilly Fluent Conference 2013 "The O'Reilly Fluent Conference is the key event for web and mobile developers, software engineers, and others to gather and learn from each other - drawing a thousand of the best coders in the industry. This year, Fluent will bring together an even broader range of individuals and organizations and drill even deeper into the essential technologies and tools that power the Web."

  • When: May 28-30, 2013
  • Where: San Francisco, California, USA

jsConf US 2013 "The JSConf team is constantly working to make the best technology event possible. We have been a launching point for an incredible number of the most revolutionary products, services, and technologies on the web."

  • When: May 29-31, 2013
  • Where: Amelia Island, Florida, USA

Converge 2013 "The goal of the conference is to bring together the various aspects of our technology community, from user and customer experience all the way through to development and everything in between."

  • When: May 31, 2013
  • Where: Edinburgh, UK


June 2013

International PHP Conference 2013 "The International PHP Conference is a globally recognized event for PHP developers, webworkers, IT managers and everyone interested in web-technology."

  • When: Jun. 2-5, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

Webinale 2013 The Webinale conference shines through the web holistically and doesn't focus only on fragments. The conference bridges the gap between designers, web developers, managers and entrepreneurs, providing an immensely lively forum for inspiration, networking and practical know-how.

  • When: Jun. 3-5, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

Confab Minneapolis 2013 "As the leading conference of its kind, Confab: The Content Strategy Conference brings together professionals everywhere who realize the value of content. User experience. Marketing. IT. Business management. This is one big party for content-loving folks who value smart thinking, voracious learning, and constant improvement in the workplace and beyond."

  • When: Jun. 3-5, 2013
  • Where: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

iOS Euro Conference 2013 "iOS Euro Conference is the premier conference for iOS developers in Europe - whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced developer!"

  • When: Jun. 4-6, 2013
  • Where: Verona, Italy

Interlink Conference 2013 "Interlink Conference is a small hand-crafted event created for all types of creative web professionals. Explore the intersection of web design, code, and content during 2 empowering days of curated talks and workshops in Vancouver."

  • When: Jun. 5-6, 2013
  • Where: Vancouver, Canada

Magma Conf 2013 Magma Conf "is a conference event that has been widening its scope with the passing of time. Initially, we were focusing on making Rails better known in México, since we are a group of professionals that focus on acquiring expertise within Rails." They have also incorporated Ruby and front-end topics.

  • When: Jun. 5-7, 2013
  • Where: Manzanilo, Mexico

Scotch On The Rocks 2013 "Scotch on the Rocks is our annual gathering of web technologists, bringing together some of the brightest minds from across the globe. Focusing on development, best practices and human experience, Scotch on the Rocks has built a reputation as a must attend event."

  • When: Jun. 6-7, 2013
  • Where: Edinburgh, UK

Front Now Conference 2013 "Front Now is an event about HTML, CSS and Javascript where front-end developers will learn and meet each other."

  • When: Jun. 6-7, 2013
  • Where: Madrid, Spain

Web Conference At Penn State 2013 "Explore principles of The User Experience at Web 2013 with higher education and web professionals from across the country."

  • When: Jun. 6-7, 2013
  • Where: State College, Pennsylvania, USA

Dutch Mobile Conference 2013 "We are proud to announce the second edition of the Dutch Mobile Conference. A 3-day conference about technologies used for mobile websites and mobile web application development focussed on developers."

  • When: Jun. 6-8, 2013
  • Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands

OFFF Barcelona 2013 "OFFF is an entity in continuous transformation, alive and evolutionary. More than a decade ago, it was born as a post-digital culture festival; a meeting place to host contemporary creation through an in depth programme of conferences, workshops and performances by the most relevant artists of our time."

  • When: Jun. 6-8, 2013
  • Where: Barcelona, Spain

Valio Con 2013 "Valio Con is the FUN conference. You'll hear talks from people who are 'doers' and risk-takers. They'll be sharing their inspiring stories on how they've built their own products and services."

  • When: Jun. 6-9, 2013
  • Where: San Diego, California, USA

Go Beyond Pixel 2013 "Learn to design and develop brilliantly." Join some of the industries leading speaker and learn to build for mobile devices, stay up-to-date with HTML5 and CSS3 and how to adapt design a responsive website.

  • When: Jun. 7, 2013
  • Where: St. John, Canada

FFWD.Pro 2013 "Join us at the web design event of the year in Croatia and learn tons of practical techniques for shaping great user experiences and building internet products that people will love!"

  • When: Jun. 10-11, 2013
  • Where: Zagreb, Croatia

jQuery Conference: Portland 2013 Portland's biggest jQuery conference of the year promises something for everybody, from beginners to experts.

  • When: Jun. 13-14, 2013
  • Where: Portland, Oregon, USA

CSS Day 2013 "CSS Day is a one-day advanced CSS conference. We are assuming that you already understand the basics of these modules. It's the tiny tricky details, the browser compatibility problems, or the unexpected consequences that will form the core of the presentations."

  • When: Jun. 14, 2013
  • Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Web-5 Conference 2013 The Web-5 Conference 2013 in Béziers is "an Expert level conference about Web Technologies, for experts, by experts" set in the warm south of France, close to the Mediterranean coast.

  • When: Jun. 14-15, 2013
  • Where: Béziers, France

GOTO Amsterdam 2013 "GOTO Amsterdam offers ideal opportunities for learning, networking and tracking innovation occurring in the Java, Mobile, Cloud, OpenSource, Lean/Agile, Architecture, New Languages & Process communities. "

  • When: Jun. 18-20, 2013
  • Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands

UX Scotland "A community-driven practical User Experience Conference in the heart of Edinburgh. Including over 30 industry professionals running workshops and talks."

  • When: Jun. 20-21, 2013
  • Where: Edinburgh, Scotland


Front-End Conf 2013 "Front-End Conf is a few days of peer learning and celebrating how awesome our community is."

  • When: Jun. 21-22, 2013
  • Where: St.Petersburg, Florida, USA

UX Camp Europe 2013 "Europe's main barcamp on User Experience Design"

  • When: Jun. 22-23, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

An Event Apart Boston 2013 "An Event Apart Boston is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for."

  • When: Jun. 24-26, 2013
  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Developer Week 2013 "The Developer Week unites under one umbrella the events .NET Developer Conference, Mobile Developer Confernce and Web Developer Conference. Thereby it provides trends, solutions and know-how in various tracks to individual areas of interest."

  • When: Jun. 24-27, 2013
  • Where: Nuremberg, Germany

GSMA Mobile Asia Expo 2013 "An integral part of the Mobile Asia Expo, the conference programme will showcase the innovation and vision that is Connecting the Future. Program designed exclusively for mobile industry professionals."

  • When: Jun. 26-28, 2013
  • Where: Shanghai, China

UXSG Conference 2013 "A meeting place for everyone working within the field of User eXperience, User-Centered-Design, Interaction Design, Human Computer Interaction, Usability and similar fields."

  • When: Jun. 27-28, 2013
  • Where: Singapore

WebVisions 2013 — Barcelona "WebVisions returns to Europe for three days of sessions, keynotes and special events with leading web, mobile, UX, DIY and strategy experts."

  • When: Jun. 27-29, 2013
  • Where: Barcelona, Spain

Ampersand 2013 "Ampersand is an affordable one-day event for knowledgable web designers & type enthusiasts."

  • When: Jun. 28, 2013
  • Where: Brighton, UK

EuRuKo 2013 "EuRuKo (the European Ruby Conference) is an annual conference which focuses on the Ruby programming language, with an informal atmosphere and lots of opportunities to listen, to talk, to hack, to have fun and where delegates experience distinct and insightful content from speakers of the highest calibre."

  • When: Jun. 28-29, 2013
  • Where: Athens, Greece


July 2013

Spain.js 2013 "Spain.js is a non-profit volunteer-driven event run by the Spanish Association for Promoting Web Development." Spend a few summer days in Spain learning about JavaScript.

  • When: Jul. 4-6, 2013
  • Where: Madrid, Spain

Spain.js 2013

UXMad 2013 "UXMad is a one track conference with twenty-one sessions featuring speakers from near and far. The conference will showcase to locals the assets of the UX community and allow visitors to Madison a chance to experience one of the best, brainiest, and least expensive places in the US to live and work. And cheese."

  • When: Jul. 11-13, 2013
  • Where: Madison, Wisconsin, USA

UXMad 2013

Breaking Development San Diego 2013 Breaking Development focuses on new, emerging techniques for web development and design for mobile devices. Our speakers are hand-picked to make sure you get challenging, well-delivered talks from a variety of different perspectives.

  • When: Jul. 22-24, 2013
  • Where: San Diego, California, USA

Breaking Development San Diego 2013

DevCon 5 New York City 2013 HTML5 Is About A Better Experience. Get A Better Experience By Learning From HTML5's Top Names And Networking With Your Colleagues. Find out the latest and greatest in the world of HTML5. DevCon5 provides you with the information and tools you need to exploit the capabilities of this revolutionary technology.

  • When: Jul. 24-25, 2013
  • Where: New York City, USA

DevCon 5 New York City 2013

WDCNZ 2013 Tech talks for web developers in New Zealand.

  • When: Jul. 25, 2013
  • Where: Wellington, NZ

WDCNZ 2013


August 2013

Burlington Ruby Conference 2013 "This conference is a 2-day, single track event with a focus on Ruby. Unlike larger conferences, we strive to make the experience as relaxing and friendly as possible."

  • When: Aug. 3-4, 2013
  • Where: Burlington, Vermont, USA

Burlington Ruby Conference 2013

An Event Apart: Washington DC 2013 "An Event Apart DC is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for."

  • When: Aug. 5-7, 2013
  • Where: Washington, DC, USA

An Event Apart: Washington DC 2013

HybridConf 2013 "HybridConf is a brand new conference exploring the relationship between design and development and celebrating the ways we can work together for a better web. Many awesome speakers will be presenting inspiring design and development talks to stretch your knowledge, and help you learn skills from the other side of the fence too."

  • When: Aug. 14-16, 2013
  • Where: Cardiff, UK

HybridConf 2013

eurucamp 2013 "eurucamp is an awesome, three-day get-together hosted by the European Ruby community. Relax next to the Müggelsee lake and meet with other awesome people."

  • When: Aug. 16-18, 2013
  • Where: Berlin, Germany

eurucamp 2013

Code on the Beach 2013 "Code on the Beach is an intensive and fun software engineering conference coming to Northeast Florida this summer. Just steps from the sessions to the beach, you’ll get sun and education, on topics from ASP.NET MVC to Windows Azure to HTML5 to SQL to mobile."

  • When: Aug. 16-18, 2013
  • Where: Atlantic Beach, Florida, USA

Code on the Beach 2013

Media Evolution The Conference 2013 "The Conference brings the big societal questions to the table, asking how media and communication can contribute to building a better future. We are stretching the boundaries, keeping the two day conference open 48 hours on August 21st-22nd."

  • When: Aug. 19-23, 2013
  • Where: Malmo, Sweden

Media Evolution The Conference 2013

UX Week 2013 "UX Week is the premier user experience design conference. Design professionals from all over the world gather for four days of community, inspiration and skills building."

  • When: Aug. 20-23, 2013
  • Where: San Francisco, California, USA

UX Week 2013

An Event Apart: Chicago 2013 "An Event Apart Chicago is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for."

  • When: Aug. 26-28, 2013
  • Where: Chicago, Illinois, USA

An Event Apart: Chicago 2013

UX Australia 2013 "UX Australia 2013 will be a 4-day user experience design conference. It will start with two days of hands-on workshops; and will finish with two full days of presentations."

  • When: Aug. 27-30, 2013
  • Where: Melbourne, Australia

UX Australia 2013


September 2013

WebVisions Chicago 2013 "WebVisions explores the future of design, content creation, user experience and business strategy in an event that inspires learning, collaboration and entrepreneurism."

  • When: Expected in September, 2013
  • Where: Chicago, Illinois, USA

WebVisions Chicago 2013

Reasons To Be Creative "Bringing together some of the most respected and brilliant minds from the worlds of design, code, art and education to share their passion, knowledge, insights and work. Reasons to be Creative is 3 days, 3 tracks with over 45 speakers."

  • When: Sept. 2,3,4 2013
  • Where: Brighton, UK


dConstruct 2013 "dConstruct 2013 is a gathering of smart and entertaining people poking at the intersection of technology and culture."

  • When: Sep. 6, 2013
  • Where: Brighton, UK

dConstruct 2013

Blackout Conf "A unique experience for web people... in the Swiss Alps."

  • When: Sep. 6-8, 2013
  • Where: Switzerland

Blackout Conf

Smashing Conference 2013 "The Smashing Conference is back! In September 2013, Freiburg will once again welcome speakers and Web design enthusiasts and professionals from around the globe. Be part of the experience!"

  • When: Sep. 9-10, 2013
  • Where: Freiburg, Germany

Smashing Conference

MobileUXCamp DC 2013 "MobileUXCamp DC is a mobile technology themed BarCamp. We aim to bring together mobile enthusiasts, explorers and professionals to share the current state and their visions for the future direction of mobility."

  • When: Sep. 14, 2013
  • Where: Washington, DC, USA

MobileUXCamp DC 2013

Barcelona Ruby Conference 2013 "Barcelona Ruby Conference is run by Codegram Technologies, a Ruby/Rails shop from Barcelona", that is quite commited to the open-source community.

  • When: Sep. 14-15, 2013
  • Where: Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Ruby Conference 2013

Lean Day: West
"Two days of workshops and talks detailing case studies and best practices implementing lean startup and lean UX in the enterprise."

  • When: Sep. 15-17, 2013
  • Where: Portland, USA

onGameStart 2013 "The first HTML5 Game Conference".

  • When: Sep. 18-20, 2013
  • Where: Warsaw, Poland

onGameStart 2013

Strange Loop 2013 "Meet us in St. Louis, Sept 18-20th, 2013, to make connections with the creators and users of the languages, libraries, tools, and techniques at the forefront of the industry. Topics include emerging languages, concurrent and distributed systems, new database technologies, front-end web, and mobile apps."
  • When: Sep. 18-20, 2013
  • Where: St. Louis, USA

Strange Loop 2013

From The Front 2013: The Frontend Brothers The From The Front Conference is back. Last year this frontend conference was very popular and had a great line-up. What do they have in store for us this year?

  • When: Sep. 19-20, 2013
  • Where: Bologna, Italy

From The Front 2013: The Frontend Brothers

Circles Conference 2013 "A place to learn from world-changing thinkers and innovators for the creative community."

  • When: Sep. 19-20, 2013
  • Where: Grapevine, Texas, USA

Circles Conference 2013

JSFoo 2013 "JSFoo is India’s only national JavaScript conference series, with previous editions in Bangalore, Pune and Chennai. This year’s Bangalore edition is a flagship two-day event."

  • When: Sep. 19-21, 2013
  • Where: Bangalore, India

JSFoo 2013

DIGITIZED 2013 "On its third edition, Digitized takes the step from national to international. And further more, by taking advantage of its location and the timing it aspires to serve a three point mission: Work-Learn-Fun. This year's digitized attendees will have the chance to pick any combination of its three components."

  • When: Sep. 20-21, 2013
  • Where: Athens, Greece

Digitized 2013

Tÿpo St.Gallen 2013 "The three-day symposium on Typography is held at the School of Design in St. Gallen, and runs from 20 to 22 September 2013. Numerous top-caliber speakers will grapple with the space between letters - the white space."

  • When: Sep. 20-22, 2013
  • Where: St.Gallen, Switzerland

Tÿpo St.Gallen 2013

The Digital Barn 2013 "Created by web experts for web experts, the Digital Barn brings together designers and developers for an event full of informative presentations, workshops, banter and idea sharing."

  • When: Sep. 22, 2013
  • Where: Barnsley, UK

The Digital Barn 2013

The Dare Conference "You’re a troublemaker. You can’t ignore the clash between today’s soulless production-line culture and the digital revolution, which rewards connection and openness. Our outdated organisations need your help—and yet, you can’t change the world on your own. Join us in London for a three-day conference where we dare to take risks, be vulnerable, and do work that matters."

  • When: Sep. 23-25, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

The Dare Conference

Webdagene 2013 "Webdagene is Norway’s premier conference for web communicators with 400 attendants in 2012. The conference is hosted and organized by Netlife Research, a leading Norwegian user experience consultancy."

  • When: Sep. 26-28, 2013
  • Where: Oslo, Norway

Webdagene 2013

euroia 2013 "As in previous years, our conference does not have a specific theme. Rather, we will be putting together an English-language programme that represents a wide range of subjects – from hard-core search strategies, to more general user-experience topics. All proposals have to be written in English."

  • When: Sep. 26-28, 2013
  • Where: Edinburgh, UK

euroia 2013

Over the Air 2013 "Over the Air is an event that defies easy description. It’s a celebration of creativity. It’s a festival of all things mobile. It’s a place where attendees can learn about technologies, trends and techniques. It’s a sleep-over. It’s a two day party. It’s an event where practitioners of creative and technical disciplines can come together to learn from each other. It’s about recognizing software development as a creative discipline."

  • When: Sep. 27-28, 2013
  • Where: Bletchley Park, UK

Over the Air 2013

Shropgeek (R)Evolution "The last three years have proved so popular, we are making Shropshire's favorite web conference a full day event in 2013. Planning is underway and we already have some great speakers lined up. Including Elliot Jay Stocks, James Whittaker and Laura Kalbag."

  • When: Sep. 28, 2013
  • Where: Shrewsbury, UK

Shropgeek (R)Evolution

An Event Apart: Austin 2013 "An Event Apart Austin is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for."

  • When: Sep. 30 - Oct. 2, 2013
  • Where: Austin, Texas, USA

An Event Apart: Austin 2013

GOTO Aarhus 2013 "GOTO Aarhus is an premier software development conference designed for developers, team leads, architects, and project managers. At GOTO, the program is created by developers for developers."

  • When: Sep. 30 - Oct. 4, 2013
  • Where: Aahrus, Denmark

GOTO Aarhus 2013


October 2013

Inspire Conf Sao Paolo 2013 “Ready to Inspire is a brand new conference about the craft of web design, type and code. It has workshops, live music, meetups and parties, but above all an exciting lineup of today’s craftspeople and mind blowing new faces.”

  • When: Oct. 2-4, 2013
  • Where: Sao Paolo, Brazil

Inspire Conf Sao Paolo 2013

Fronteers 2013 “Founded in 2007, Fronteers is the non-profit trade organization of Dutch front-end developers. Its goals include the professionalisation of our trade, (improved) recognition of the front-end discipline, and improving the position of Dutch front-end developers in their company and the web design/development world in general.”

  • When: Oct. 10-11, 2013
  • Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fronteers 2013

Paris-Web 2013 Paris-Web, the conference by people who make the web, explores the themes of Web accessibility, digital design and open standards.

  • When: Oct. 10-12, 2013
  • Where: Paris, France

Paris-Web 2013

UCDA Design Conference 2013 “The UCDA Design Conference provides you an opportunity to get an in-depth look at some of the issues facing designers and communication professionals both in and out of educational institutions.”

  • When: Oct. 12-15, 2013
  • Where: Louisville, Kentucky, USA

UCDA Design Conference 2013

Midwest UX 2013 “Next fall, user experience designers, developers, makers, students and educators from around the Midwest are invited to meet peers, advance the discipline and make make the third Midwest UX Conference the biggest and most colorful.”

  • When: Oct. 17-19, 2013
  • Where: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Midwest UX 2013

Breaking Development Nashville 2013 “Web design and development for beyond the desktop. We are coming back to the city of Nashville, Tennessee for another great Breaking Development! Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the event.”

  • When: Oct. 21-23, 2013
  • Where: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Breaking Development Nashville 2013

CSS Dev Conf 2013 See the “Best and Brightest Minds in the CSS Community” at the Stanley Hotel in the Rocky Mountains.

  • When: Oct. 21-23, 2013
  • Where: Denver, Colorado, USA

CSS Dev Conf 2013

Droidcon London 2013 “London’s biggest Android Conference. Fun times were had at Droidcon London 2012! The Android community came out in full swing to present their latest apps, their niftiest solutions, and most innovative applications of Android.”

  • When: Oct. 24-25, 2013
  • Where: London, UK

Droidcon London 2013

Pittsburgh Web Design Day 2013 “Web Design Day is a one-day conference designed to bring the best of modern Web Design to Pittsburgh. Spend the day with high-end presentations from some of the best and friendliest in our industry and lunching with the best set of attendees around. Then leave the digital aside just for a while for a party and printmaking fun exclusively for Web Design Day attendees.”

  • When: Oct. 25, 2013
  • Where: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Pittsburgh Web Design Day 2013

Star Tech Conf Santiago 2013 "The great conference that brings together world renowned stars in software development and local tech experts to talk about HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, Python, Mobile and more."

  • When: Oct. 25-26, 2013
  • Where: Santiago, Chile

Star Tech Conf Santiago 2013

WebTech Conference 2013 The Web Tech Conference is all about Web related technologies, from HTML5 to Web security.

  • When: Oct. 27-30, 2013
  • Where: Munich, Germany

WebTech Conference 2013

More Links for Keeping Up

Here are a few links that will also help you keep up with the newly scheduled design and/or development conferences being shared through Lanyard that have been sorted out by category:

Where Are You Going?

How many of these conferences are coming to an area near you? Or for that matter, how many are luring you to the area in which they are happening? If you plan on attending any of these or other Web design and development conferences (or workshops) this fall, or have attended any of them already, please share these with us all in the comments section below!

Also, the Smashing team is organizing a series of workshops and the Smashing Conference this year — it would be a pleasure to meet you someday!

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