As a Web professional, you can get great inspiration from a good conference session. While conferences may not bring value to all industries, the Web industry is stacked high with inspirational experts and quiet little geniuses beavering away from small home offices. A good Web conference shines a light on these clever souls and promotes professional growth and shared knowledge.
As a Web professional, you can get great inspiration from a good conference session. While conferences may not bring value to all industries, the Web industry is stacked high with inspirational experts and quiet little geniuses beavering away from small home offices. A good Web conference shines a light on these clever souls and promotes professional growth and shared knowledge.
The number of conferences surrounding the Web design and development field continues to grow as new processes, techniques and other shared experiences, turned learning opportunities, are always presenting themselves throughout the industry. The problem becomes, with so many conferences that are out of reach for one reason or another, how does one catch the highlights from the conference that won't fit into a 140 character tweet?
Luckily, more and more conferences are turning to video to capture their events to not only preserve the experience, but to pass it on to those who could not attend. So there are more chances than ever for Web professionals to stay abreast of all the latest industry talks and tips even when they can't make it to a particular conference in person. We have gathered some inspiring resources and conference talks in this post, just in case you missed them or needed the refresher.
Bringing The Conferences To You
As a conference organiser, getting the word out about a conference can be as difficult as it is important. Lanyrd is great for the social element, and Eventbrite is a no-brainer as the ticket gateway. But what about after the event?
How do you reach the audience that you missed initially? How do you effectively expand the reach of your conference's most poignant and potent talks? A number of sites have sprung up collating all of this wonderful content. Each with their own take on curating a library of conference videos.
Organized Wonder
Organized Wonder is a true oasis to find great content. The platform lets you discover the best talks, documentaries, interviews, short films and various other videos across the Web, and you can follow people you admire and share the content you value with others.
Taking a community/social approach to curated conference video, users are able to post video and receive followers, much like Twitter. Organized Wonder is the brainchild of Sawyer Hollenshead and features not only conference video, but also interviews and documentaries relevant to the Web industry.
David McCandless - The Beauty Of Data Visualization
The rapid pace of UX design in the agile world can lead to shortsighted design decisions. Focusing on addressing the immediate needs of particular user stories within the limits of a sprint can lead to neglect of larger design questions, which can come back to haunt UX designers later.
Sometimes, UX practitioners just need some time to work through big design issues that don’t fit...
We tend to think of navigating a website as clicking from page-to-page via some kind of global navigation that's always visible. When it comes to a single page, we often think scrolling is the one and only way to move from one end to the next. Sometimes global navigation and scrolling are the best, most appropriate ways to move about, (however, they aren't the only ways).
The websites...
I have an idea for a new product — can I tell you about it? It will take months to develop, and even though this kind of thing is usually given away for free, I’m going to charge for it. Oh, and the market for it probably won’t be very big… Wait, come back! Where are you going?!
It does sound like a crazy idea, but it’s exactly what a small group of designers and writers have been doing...