The Smashing Editorial

About The Author

The Smashing Editorial The Smashing team loves high-quality content and cares about the little details. Through our online articles, Smashing Books, eBooks as well as Smashing Conferences, we are committed to stimulating creativity and strengthening the web design community’s creative forces.

To Five Smashing Years… And A Free Anniversary eBook Treat!

When we started Smashing Magazine, we didn’t expect anything. We didn’t have a grand master plan for a successful online magazine for designers and developers. We created something that we found useful and that we thought others would find useful, too. We did not lose focus, we relied on instinct more than once, we stayed patient, and we pulled the occasional night shift. That was 2006. ...

When we started Smashing Magazine, we didn’t expect anything. We didn’t have a grand master plan for a successful online magazine for designers and developers. We created something that we found useful and that we thought others would find useful, too. We did not lose focus, we relied on instinct more than once, we stayed patient, and we pulled the occasional night shift. That was 2006.

And then you came along.

You have passed the word along, left comments, dropped us emails. You let us know that we matter. You let us know that we are doing something meaningful. And you let us know that our humble work deserved your attention. And we listened — carefully.

Five years have passed, and the magazine has changed. That small, obscure blog of list posts and round-ups has evolved into a professional publication with a publishing policy, editorial structures and a house style guide. The Smashing family no longer has only two members, but rather a dedicated team of experienced authors, research assistants, expert advisors, editors and proofreaders.

We all do our best to bring you the trusted advice, techniques, tutorials, resources and opinions that Smashing Magazine is known for nowadays and that the Web design community around the world has come to rely on.

Smashing Magazine is a quality-obsessed, passionate team, but it is also you: you and every single reader who has been reading Smashing Magazine for all these years. Thank you for being with us; thank you for your support, criticism and encouragement over all these years. We could not exist without you.

A Smashing Magazine Anniversary Treat

Today, Smashing Magazine turns five. It’s hard to believe that the years have passed so quickly. Many things have changed, but when we look back, we realize how wonderful and sometimes even intoxicating the journey has been so far. And you — who made us what we are today — deserve a special thank-you.

To honor the occasion, we have a humble gift for you: the free "Best of Smashing Magazine" Anniversary eBook.

Free download on iTunes
Free download on Smashing Magazine (.zip, 55 Mb)

The eBook is available in PDF, ePUB and Mobipocket formats. This eBook is our gift to you for your support, criticism and encouragement over all these years. We’d like it to be your very own memory box of your last five years with Smashing Magazine — something perhaps to bring back memories a couple of years from now. We’d like you to have a part of Smashing Magazine with you when you are on the go.

What’s in the eBook?

The eBook contains the best articles that have been published on Smashing Magazine in the last five years — and by “best,” we mean the most useful, most interesting or most inspiring. The articles have been carefully edited, proofread and updated for your convenience and reading pleasure on your eBook reader.

It discusses usability issues and the principles of effective Web design. It covers the guidelines for beautiful and effective typography, and it spotlights methods of responsive Web design. In addition, you’ll learn how to master professional Photoshop techniques, explore storytelling in your designs, and focus on three key areas to polish your content strategy. Never thought that harmony between designers and developers was possible? Dig in to see how the two camps can collaborate productively and learn from each other.

We are very thankful for the trust and confidence you put in us and we appreciate your loyal support. We want to keep your access to Smashing Magazine as comfortable as possible.

Cheers, dear friends. And here is to the next five years!

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