Update:(30.01.2011) The Smashing Book 2, with 2.970 names of our readers, is now available in the Smashing Shop.
Update: (30.01.2011) If you are planning to write an article or review of Smashing Book 2, please feel free to use the Smashing Book 2 Media Kit (.zip, 7 Mb). The kit contains images, illustrations and photos that you might find useful for your article. Also, please don’t forget to tweet the link to the review with the hashtag #smbook2
, so we can track it and add it to our list of reviews. Your help is sincerely appreciated. Thank you for your time and your efforts, guys!
We’ve got some exciting news: the printed Smashing Book 2 is coming. We will launch pre-orders in January 2011 and will start shipping the book in February 2011. We are just putting the final touches on the brand new book, and we are confident that it will be a valuable, timeless and affordable book for you, our dear readers, and all designers and developers worldwide.
After much difficulty with the first book, we have learned our lessons: Smashing Book 2 will have a much better stitched binding, a hardcover, more pages and a bit larger in size.
Our Readers Deserve Credit
It’s not unusual for authors to dedicate their books to people they care about: loved ones, family or perhaps friends or colleagues. In our case, we would like to dedicate this new book to all of our readers: you. But we don’t want to just do it with a short acknowledgment in the preface. Anyone could do that! We have a slightly better idea.We would like to print the names of our readers in the book. To do this, we have reserved a double-page on which we will print together all of the names of readers who comment on this article in the shape of the Smashing Magazine logo: ASCII art at its best! If necessary, we will add two more double-pages so that everyone fits.
Leave a Comment and Add Your Name to the Book!
It’s simple: just write a short comment on this post and tell us why you read Smashing Magazine and how we can improve it. You may use your full name or an alias; the length allowed is between 4 and 35 characters. Your name may consist of at most four parts (for example, Patrick Michael Philips or John F. Doe or Alberto de la Cruz). Special characters are allowed. Please note that we will moderate the names, and spammy submissions will not be accepted.What’s So Different About the New Book?
The Smashing Book 2 will be published in February 2011 and can be pre-ordered at a big discount in January. It will cost $39.90 and will contain 360 pages. It is a real hardbound book (+ free eBook), with sewn binding, a bookmark and four-color printing. Just as we did last time, we will pack it well, too.Delivery times and shipping are different this time. All orders will be shipped via air mail. The shipping cost will be low and will be the same for every customer, no matter where they are located.
As with our first printed book, The Smashing Book 2 is a collaboration of talented and knowledgeable folks, among them Mike Rundle, Christian Heilmann, Francisco Inchauste, Vivien Anayian, Susan Weinschenk, Alexander Charchar, Matt Ward and others. The book will feature exclusive full-page illustrations for each chapter. Here we’ve got something special for you as well, but more on that next time.
Rules and Guidelines
- How to participate? Just write a short comment on this post and tell us why you read Smashing Magazine and how we can improve it.
- How many names can fit onto the two pages? Of course, it depends on the length of the names. We expect around 6,000 readers will be able to fit onto the two pages.
- How much time do I have to join in? The deadline is 26th of November 2010, 11:59 PM CET. We do want to make it to the printer on time after all.
- Can anyone take part? Yes, but you’d better hurry: first come, first served.
- Are there any restrictions on the names? The length of the person’s name (both first and last) must be between 4 and 35 characters. It may contain at most three empty characters. Please note that we will moderate the names, and spammy submissions will not be accepted.
Extra Goodie: Exclusive SM Book 2 Poster!
To make participation even more enticing, we are giving away 50 exclusive Smashing Book 2 posters to participants. The winners will be picked randomly from among all users who comment on this post.We are working very hard to make the Smashing Book 2 an extremely valuable and useful resource for all designers and developers. We hope to meet your expectations with the new book. Please stay tuned for updates. And don’t forget to leave the comment.